Fusion the last line of defense

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After the battle, Goku regroup with the others at the lookout and confessed to why he didn't use his power to finish off Majin Buu and informed a way as for the boys to defeat Majin Buu themselves.. FUSION!!! At first Bulma and Chichi detest the very notion but Goten and Kid Trunks stand up to their mothers and insist that they learn the technique if it means beating Buu. After that Goku went to explain the Fusion as simply as a dance that has to be done in Perfect Symmetry as well as both parties have to be at the exact power. He asks the boys to go full power and thus they do with Trunks unleashing a massive amount of power that has him a little stronger than Goten. Krillin is impressed by how strong Trunks his at his age. Bulma replies that he IS Vegeta's son.  After this Goku states that in order for the Fusion to work Trunks is going to have to hold back. Trunks gripes as to why Goten can't get stronger with Goten simply apologizes having no idea what to do on the matter. Goku tells that this isn't the time for arguing and he alongside Piccolo demonstrate the Fusion Dance with Piccolo being embarrassed afterwards. Goten and Trunks are getting it but something's keeping them from concentrating. "You two want to see Super Saiyan 3 for yourselves huh?", Goku asked. The boys eyes light up with excitement but Piccolo retorts that if he does it that he'll lose all the energy he has left. But Goku shrugs him off by saying that they have learned everything that they need to know all that's left is his guidance referring to Piccolo. "Alright I'll do it but you have to promise that you two will follow Piccolo's every order and command understand?", Goku demands. The two nod in agreement. With that Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3 with an immense power and giving a hint on how to achieve such power by channelling deep inside themselves. After returning to base, he simply waits for Baba to pick him up. After a hour or so Baba arrives and Goku says his goodbyes. Goku and Chichi hug passionately and he gives one final farewell by saying he'll tell Gohan they said hi. At this Videl implies that Gohan might still be alive. The others shrug this inner hope as Love. And so Goku and Baba flies to the skies vanishing into the OtherWorld. 

Piccolo after a bit of reasoning with Bulma and Chichi them being the boys mothers after all get the boys ready to perform the Fusion. The first time Trunks forgets to stretch his finger at the end making the Fusion a failed one and Fat at that. After the Thirty Minutes time limit goes by, Goten and Trunks try again and this time Trunks remembers to stretch his finger but misses Goten's messing up again but this time the failed fusion was severely and grossly skinny. After another thirty minutes, the boys doing it perfectly and fully achieve their fusion...GOTENKS!!! "Alright boys now we're going to wait another thirty minutes and this time you're going to do it as Super Saiyans", Piccolo replies. "No", Gotenks replies with the combined voice of Goten and Trunks. "No what do you mean No?!", Piccolo retorts angrily. "I mean there's no need for it we're strong enough as it is. Don't worry I'll bring back his dead body as proof", Gotenks quips Confidently. "Gotenks NO", Piccolo demands. Instead of listening, Gotenks flies straight off for Buu at what Videl describes as Super Sonic Speed. "Okay in that Trunks is obviously dominant", Chichi replies. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!", Bulma demands angrily. "Oh come on this isn't Trunks from the Future we're talking about here present bound Trunks is just like Vegeta arrogant, prideful and reconcilably foolish and now in that Gotenks he's dangling my poor little Goten like a puppet", Chichi retorts motherly. "Oh how DARE you make my Trunks present or Future so antagonizing when your Goten is just like Goku Naive, a strong bloodlust like any other Saiyan child and what the Hell he's probably gonna end up a fighting Junkie just like Goku too", Bulma retorts in response. "OHHHHHHHHH", Roshi, Ox King, Oglong, and Krillin retorts as their waiting for the Catfight to come. 18 is disgusted at how her husband and the others are reacting until Chichi accidentally refers to Marron as the Saiyan Terminator then she jumps into the fray pissed and the Human Human Android mother Catfight begins. The older gentlemen are laughing their butts off until the glance at Videl with Puar turned into a hammer waiting to pummel the trio for their pervertedness. Krillin climbs on Ox King's back making a run for it while Master Roshi desperately tries to keep up only to get smacked in the end. The dynamic duo then set out to give Krillin Ox King a good pummeling. Krillin and Ox King run around the Lookout in circle running for their lives as Piccolo just sighs and he tells Dende that he's a good kid. He then worries for the Cocky Fusion as his great challenge is about to begin.     

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