Gohan's conflict Raditz's crusade

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And so the battle ensued but now Buutenks has the upper hand this would prove to be the worse five minutes of the young Gohan's life. Sure he could just use Super Saiyan drain what little energy he has left and then beat Buu; but if he did that he would risk killing the boys, Piccolo, and possibly the others especially Videl. He just couldn't do it like Krillin couldn't push the failsafe button on Android 18 seven years before. As backup Raditz had been given permission by the Grand kai to join the battle. However he made a pitstop in South City to see if Launch his wife the mother of his child was alright. He knew the city would be destroyed but he made it all the way down to the secret bunker he had built for her in case of a massive threat. When he opened the bunker door he saw a bloody sight. Piles on piles of decently intact corpses stacked on top of each other as well as a bleeding Launch in the corner. "Launch launch can you hear me?!", Raditz pleaded. "R-raditz is that you?!", Launch asked hoping that death wasn't messing with her in her last moments. "I'm here and don't worry the boys are with King Kai as you asked", Raditz replied. "That's good Spikey you know I love you right?!", Launch asked complete. "Launch just hang on once I get you to the Lookout you're going to be fine please?!", Raditz pleaded to his wife. Launch with a comforting smile stroked Raditz's cheek as she faded away into the afterlife.  Raditz screamed out in pain and anger for his lost. "No I will Not take a backseat into defending this planet anymore. I allowed Cell, I allowed Babidi and Dabura, but Buu this monster has gone too far. I won't stand for this anyMORE!!!", Raditz retorted as he flew off to fight Majin Buu. While this took place, Elder Kai thought of a means to help Gohan as well. He was going to give up the life left within him and transfer it to Goku thus reviving him. Supreme Kai pleads for him not to do it but the Elder insisted. ANd thus by committing mental suicide, the Elder Kai fell dead on the spot. "Thank you Elder, I'll never forget this", Goku stated. "Well Get the Hell Going Then!!!", Elder Kai retorted. Goku, Shin and Kibito stood there in shock. "Well this is unexpected; It seems that the Grand Kai was one step ahead of me. Let's see how this unfolds plus it'll give me time to come up with a plan before I send you to battle", Elder Kai reconciled while now having a halo above his head. Goku, Shin, and Kibito stare into the crystal orb in earnest.

Gohan and Buutenks' battle waged on for what seemed like eternity even though the fused absorption form would only last another three minutes. Gohan was getting the tar beat out of him and the only comeback he could muster was going Super Saiyan and ending it then but he knows what will happen. Also if he holds out until the form diffuses then sure Buccolo would be weaker than Buutenks the problem still stands. As Gohan was at Buu's mercy, Raditz appeared and fired a massive energy blast that blasted Buu to pieces. "That was for my wife", Raditz replied. "It'll take time for him to regenerate from that but it'll give you the chance to heal at least", Dende stated as he began to heal Gohan. "Tch look at you all that power and you could have easily won. But you got cocky and got outsmarted like an ametur", Raditz replied in disappointment. "Well uncle if you're so high and mighty why don't you fight him?", Gohan quipped angrily. "Don't worry nephew I intend to", Raditz replied. "Here's the plan we got three minutes left right?; Gohan nods; Well I'll hold him off and the moment he transforms from Buutenks to Buccolo you step in and finish him off with everything you got understand?!", Raditz pitched. "But...", Gohan tried to plea only to be cut off by Raditz next statement. "I know you fear your power especially your Saiyan heritage but thinking emotionally rather than logically isn't going to beat Buu now is it? After all you witnessed that first hand" ,Raditz spat. Gohan ponders for a minute and then figures out what his uncle meant. When he fought Cell he was acting out of pride and over escalated the situation causing Goku to give up his life. Then in Babidi's ship he was so focused on killing Spopovich for hurting Videl once he killed him he simply no longer took the occurring threat seriously. And Finally Majin Buu sure against fat buu it couldn't have been helped but with Super Buu and his new bound power he could've won but he wanted Buu to suffer not for just killing the earthlings, not just killing, Krillin, or 18, or Marron, or Master Roshi, and Bulma, or even Chichi. He wanted Buu to suffer for killing Videl the woman he loved. And allowing emotion and revenge to cloud one's judgement in a fight is a costly mistake. However he's both Saiyan and Human which makes doing the right thing that much harder at times. "Alright let's do it", Gohan states ready to go. The boys and the others can easily be revived with the Dragon balls of Earth once this was over but Piccolo would have to be brought back with the dragon balls on New Namek. At that moment Buutenks returned.

"Well I hope you're ready for the consequences for intervening in our battle", Buutenks quipped. "Oh please people snatcher there's plenty of fight to go around unless you're scared are buu buu", Raditz quipped in response. "Enough talk Now You Die!!!", Buutenks retorted. And so the epic battle continued.

Meanwhile back on the planet of the Kais, Goku, Kibito, Supreme Kai, and Elder Supreme Kai were contemplating on the new development. "Raditz you Fool!!! Don't you realize you're still in that death pact with King Yemma?! Launch and Kosho need you if you die again it'll be for keeps", Goku retorted reconciably. "They won't last long", Kibito informs. "They just need to hold out for three minutes Kibito", Supreme Kai replied. "No offense Supreme Kai but take it from me that in battle a lot can happen in three-five minutes",Goku notes. "I was afraid it would come to this but the personality of the boys' Fusion was too big of a wild card to risk", Elder Kai stated. Goku, Kibito, and Supreme Kai all marvel in confusion. Elder Kai explains what he meant as well elaborate on a "godly" type of fusion that is superior to the one Goku had learned from the Metamorines...The Potara Fusion!!!  Elder Kai elaborates with the pair of Potara he had on his ears and stated that when two people put on each of a pair of the Potara earrings but each in the opposite ear, they merge and become one. However the difference is a much bigger power boost as well as the fact that the fusion is permanent!!! Unfortunately he mentions the permanence of this fusion AFTER he has Supreme Kai and Kibito take off one of their separate earrings and have them fuse to demonstrate.

 However the difference is a much bigger power boost as well as the fact that the fusion is permanent!!! Unfortunately he mentions the permanence of this fusion AFTER he has Supreme Kai and Kibito take off one of their separate earrings and have t...

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Kibito Kai was very impressed by his new bound power so much so that he insist to Goku that they go to Earth right then and there only for Elder Kai to shut him down.  After a while with two one minute left in Super Buu's Buutenks form, Raditz as a Super Saiyan is putting up a massive fight while Gohan readies himself for an all out Kamehameha. "Goten, Trunks, Piccolo I'm sorry", Gohan apologizes mentally. However before he could charge and fire Buutenks catches on. "Special Beam Cannon!!!", Buutenks said and fired. As the blast heads straight for Gohan, Raditz steps in and takes the blast as it shoots right through his chest. "D-dammit", Raditz falls as he bleeds. Gohan charges in the fray only to get caught in Buutenks' version of the Galactic donut. "How ironic that the great Gohan fell into a trap tactic carved up by two children?! stop me if you've heard this one before Ka...me...ha..me..", Buutenks spats and charges. As Buutenks is doing this Gohan desperately tries to get out of the struggle and does so right as Buutenks fires the kamehameha. Gohan then falls to the ground once again battered and beaten. "Truly a valiant effort but this game ends", Buutenks replies. Buutenks fires an energy blast in an attempt to finish off Gohan but before it could make contact it was negated by another energy blast that was fired out of nowhere and  then blast the bottom half of Buutenks clean off. The shooter was someone no one thought they would see again Tien Shinhan!!!   

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