Chapter 44: Worst Nightmare

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Reflamen flew over the battle field. We were winning, that much was certain. The lizards were getting burnt up quicker then they could attack. A few of them were retreating. The king however, was standinf firm. He had his trident stretched out and every few seconds he would shoot a darkness ball into the mass of dragons above. 

'Let's give that king a run for his money,' I said.

Reflamen roared in agreement. I closed my eyes, going into my imaginative state, then Reflamen roared and dived at the king, breathing a burst of explosive red fire. The king saw it coming and jumped out of the way just in time. The place where he had been standing was blasted into pieces, killing several of the lizard creatures in the process.

'Damn, missed,' said Reflamen.

I smiled and scratched his head, 'What would I ever do without you?'

Reflamen spirelled passed a glump of acid and swooped down over the lizards, bathing them in fire. I had my bow out and was shooting fire arrows into there midst. In less then half and hour almost half the lizard army had been defeated, and by the look of it, we hadn't even lost a dragon yet.

I smiled as Reflamen swooped down again and breathed his distastrous flames. The king had retreated even further, we were almost at the school, where the king's base was. As we got closer more and more of those lizard like things came out. This time they were the ones that could fly, and they were in swarm, but before they could get to the dragon army, Reflamen flew out from there midsts.

I put my hands out, and let out a shout. Suddenly a huge wind came from nowhere and started to blow the lizards back to the ground.

"Now!" I yelled, "Attack!"

Reflamen let out a burst of extremely hot fire, incinerating the nearest ones. Suddenly all the dragons swarmed the lizard. The lizards rained from the sky like firey commets. 

'That was easy,' I said.

'Yes, it was very easy,' said Reflamen.

The king was forced to retreat towards his base, and he was probably fuming. 

'Let's get him,' I said.

'Yes, lets,' replied Reflamen.

He swooped down towards the oval where the king was. On his way he opened his mouth and let out the destructive red flames, and with one pass, blew up the whole school.

'Hey!' I said, 'Why'd you do that?'

'You said that you would like it if the school 'happened' to get in the cross fire,' said Reflamen, laughing, 'And there might of been a lot more lizards in there, waiting for us to get in.'

I just shook my head and laughed, 'Okay then, let's completely blow up the whole place.'

'Yeah!' said Reflamen.

He started to charge up a fireball in his mouth, letting it grow and grow until it was big enough to blow up the whole oval, and it did just that. Reflamen let it fly, it hit the oval, and the whole thing was completely obliterated.

Oreman, however, was able to cast a spell that protected him against the flames. Smoke surrounded him, but he was still able to save himself.

'I'm going in,' I said to Reflamen.

I slid of Reflamen's back and towards the ground below. I landed on my two feet, not even with a slight bit of pain. I summoned my swords and looked towards the king. He was struggling to stand up, and when he saw me I saw fear growing in his eyes.

Imagination BK1: The Forbidden Blade (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now