Performance and Positivity

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Hello frens

This chapter was originally going to be about all the stressful things coming up for me, but since I started writing I've though again and found a more positive outlook. I have a recital and a concert soon. I'm going to join two more orchestras soon. I'm playing a solo and quarter soon. I'm auditioning for a musical theatre program soon and I could actually make it in. They said if they don't get more boys soon they'll have to cancel the next musical so I've got a good chance at making it. (Any song suggestions for an alto musical comedy audition for a boy's part? Light comedic monologues?) While I am a mixed up, anxious, depressed, suicidal smoothie at the moment, I have good people in my life and the possibility of a future in music or performance to keep me alive. There's always hope. I didn't plan on living past 13 and I'm close to 16 with some hope now. Hang in there, frens.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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