Gender Euphoria

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Heyyyy y'all!

I want to touch on the subject of gender euphoria. While I struggle with my identity a lot, I can sometimes feel happy being myself. Any moment when I can think "wow son you looking fine" is a good one.

I've met so many wonderful people, through WattPad, GSA, and other places.

I've learned not to judge others based on their appearances.

I can look hot in a dress, just as I'm handsome in a tux.

I have dreamy rockstar hair. With some hairspray I can be an 80s icon or I can be Princess Leia.

People casually using my pronouns. Yes. When I introduce myself and nobody questions my name. So yes.

I can really rock the feminine body thing sometimes.

Tight jeans? Flannels? Beanies? I think I'm pretty attractive.

I can pull off the 80s teenage rockstar wannabe look pretty well. And the Billy Idol scowl? I can own that. I'm a hot dude.

I'm a sexy nerd. A really awkward person, but hella rad in cosplay.

I like my jeans with vests and stuff and a baseball cap because I can kind of confuse people's assumptions on the gender binary like "nah man I'm not a girl not really a boy either haha good luck guessing."

I'm sometimes okay with myself. And that feels nice.

I feel happy when I look at myself sometimes. The best feeling is seeing my reflection out of the corner of my eye and thinking WOW THAT'S A FINE DUDE OH WAIT THAT'S ME. Like I usually cringe at my face but sometimes with the right lighting I look pretty fine.

I am not trapped in my body sometimes. Just the world's perceptions of me. And I will survive.

I hope all of you can find at least some little moments like this to make you feel nice.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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