Trans superpowers

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My trans guy friend brought up that "trans man" sounds like a superhero name. Like Trans Man, who's superpower would be social justice. Probably also confusing cis people.

I guess it made me think. Being different gives you superpowers, even if it's not superspeed or telekinesis. You get powers to defy normality. You have the power of greater empathy. You have the power of understanding differences. You have the power to fight hate.

And like any hero, you have a choice. You can use your powers for good and to make a difference, or you can use them for attention and pity. Rarely do people want the latter.

You are a hero, and even if you're not going out to be Batman(who by the way had a tough childhood and no big physical powers!) you can still accomplish your goals.

Maybe your archenemy isn't some evil mastermind. It probably isn't. Maybe you're fighting depression or a disability or something totally different. That doesn't make your fighting any less valid.

Like any hero, teams change and the people around you come and go sometimes. Like any hero, battling your archenemy is hard. Like any hero, your first love interest may not be your soulmate. Like any hero, life can get busy and complicated. Like any hero, what makes you "weird" makes you who you are.

You are the hero of your own story. So make it a good one and stop waiting for someone else to save you.

You are important. You are worth it.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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