Pride Month 2017

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Hi pals,

It's June, LGBT+ pride month!

I would first like to say that I'm so proud of all of you and it's so wonderful to interact with y'all(including you wonderful silent readers!).

Allies, you are fabulous and it's amazing to have your love and support, we value your acceptance and fighting with us for rights.

For my queer buddies, you are valid and important. Whether you're in the closet for whatever reasons or have come out to everyone, I'm so proud of you. You've come so far in discovering your identity so hold onto yourself.

If you're in the closet or struggling with acceptance in your life, you are so brave to keep on fighting for this life as yourself.

If you're out and bold about your identity, keep on going! You are brave and awesome!

No matter our circumstances, we must stay strong together. I'm so proud of you for holding onto your identity and finding yourself.

We will continue to work towards worldwide acceptance and inclusion for our LGBT+ community.

What are you doing to express yourself? How are you celebrating pride in your own way?

I've been making pins and bookmarks from objects around my home to express my pride as a trans and pan person where it's safe.

How are you allies supporting LGBT people around you?

Keep on being brave and strong! I believe in you.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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