My Hair

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My people hey!

I've been thinking about my hair.

I absolutely want to cut it.


I realized I only wanted to have a really masculine haircut so that I could pass as a guy and because that's expected of me because I'm AFAB trans.

I've decided that I will cut my hair. But for now I'm thinking that I want to cut it so it just reaches my shoulders.

Long hair isn't just for girls. Short hair isn't just for boys. Any hair is for anyone. I'm just a person. And I think want shoulder-length hair. Or maybe Sherlock's hair since it's already curly.

I want hair that I can run my fingers through. I want hair that my girlfriend can play with. I want it to help me look a little more masculine but I'm not trying to please others anymore.

Question for y'all-- what kind of haircut do you think I should get?

But yeah. I'm gonna live my life my way and not make choices for my body based on how others will see me or what makes other people happy. Life's too short to not life it my way.

Carpe diem!
Love ya,
<3 ;

Take Me Home, Ground ControlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt