School Updates

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Some things that happened:

-linked arms during national anthem
-wanted to take a knee but also wanted not to knee anyone around me because of where I was sitting
-my English class stopped and applauded me because of a concept I brought up(an idea from a tumblr post actually)
-I was actually applauded because of tumblr???
-officially came out as nonbinary
-came out to a dance teacher as trans
-mass coming out texts and messages to so many people about my gender
-everyone was totally chill and just checked about pronouns
-took a knee for the national anthem
-wore a purple tutu to school and didn't care at all
-went shopping for homecoming with a great friend (yay!!!)
-I now have a bow tie because bow ties are cool
-went to my favorite restaurant
-got back in touch with a good friend
-2 teachers left notes for substitutes about my name
-homecoming was AWESOME
-the vice principal told my girlfriend and me to "take it easy" when we were kidding at the dance
-did I mention MASS COMING OUT because that was terrifying and great
-some scary legal issues are going on in the USA(the trans military ban is being pushed forward and Jeff Sessions decided that the Civil Right Act of 1964 doesn't apply to trans people)
-NFL players are protesting here during the national anthem
-I bought a bow tie!!!!!!!!!
-dressed in masculine clothes for homecoming!!!

Yeahhhhhhhh there's a lot going on.

I'm okay. Just been pretty dysphoric lately and very stressed but I'm taking care of myself.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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