Colors and Emotions

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Whoaaaa abstract idea time!

First I didn't feel any specific color. I was all of them wrapped in a pretty little rainbow. Then I was deep blue, with purple undertones. Detestation. I folded into an indigo. Lost and with fluid moods. Soon thereafter I drifted into lavender. Soft. Relaxed. Warm. Still sad, but more toned down. Melancholy, not so much depression. Lighter tones melted into me. Now, a more vibrant color. A neon violet, calmed by burgundy, lazily swept into the ever flowing stream of consciousness. Here and there a hint of mustard yellow. Chartreuse. Turquoise. Hot pink. I am regaining my color. My light. I am slowly but surely recovering myself to an unbalanced rainbow. This time, I am the artist. I hold the paintbrush. And I will be a masterpiece.

Anyhow, that all just flowed out of me as I wrote. And this time I'll be the pen, not the paper.

Hope someone is feeling inspired now.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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