My Pronouns

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What's up, my people?

I'm going to update you on my pronouns.

I use he/him/his or they/them/theirs pronouns. Either is totally fine and great.

My gender? *pats pockets* nope not there *checks drawers* it's here somewhere *rifles through papers and throws some journals searching* yeah idk it's gotta be here *screams into the void* yeah I can't find it today

Idek my gender. I generally tell people I'm a dude but I use the word dude pretty broadly so... I'm a person. I'm not totally a dude but I'm not totally anything so idk. I'm not focusing on a label right now. Just use my pronouns please because I know what pronouns match my identity. I'm still searching.

I'm going to stop putting my daily pronouns in my signature because either he or they is fine. Still keeping the heart and semicolon there because I always want to promote live and optimism. Life does get better.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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