Poetry Goal

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Ayyyy my frens

I have a goal. I've been thinking about it for a while...

I want to be a published poet.

And I will be, someday.

I'm not saying I want my career to be a professional poet because unfortunately that doesn't always work for a reliable income.

Maybe I'll be a self-employed creator. And by that I mean I'll dabble in everything I love. I'll publish books, I'll create art, I'll release my music, and I'll be house spouse.

I'm getting way ahead of myself, but someday it could happen.

I'm going to be a published poet. Just you wait!

On another note, I think I'm transmasculine/nonbinary. Still using he/they pronouns. Whatever neutral pronouns are fine too. Just not she/her.

I still like the name Carter and I'll probably stick with it. I considered Braden and Brandon and Ethan and they were nice, but I don't think they're really me. I've been feeling a disconnect with Carter, but I've also been feeling distant from my gender because I've been called she/her/deadname so many times lately. Ugh.

I'll try to update you on gender/name/pronouns as I figure it out and discover myself more.

Take care of yourselves, my wonderful friends.

Love ya,
<3 ;

Take Me Home, Ground ControlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt