Talent Show maybe?

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Auditions are in a few weeks. I signed up, but I have no idea what I'm going to do. Only one person from my band actually goes to my school so we can't do anything for it. But that person has offered to sing for me for my solo stuff so maybe if I can polish something up quickly enough we could perform one of my songs. And if we did that, another friend could choreograph a dance to the song and we could be a really unique trio. Like an acoustic duet with a dancer. That's not very common for school talent shows. Or I'll choreograph to a song on my own to perform. Or I'll do a cover of a song I like. I've been meaning to arrange a David Bowie song for a string quartet so maybe that would be a possibility. Or I could ask my old string quartet to revive a piece. Maybe I could just be a comedy act. Break out a serious Shakespeare monologue and turn it into a comedic skit.

What do you think a talent show needs? Any tips? Any song suggestions for a cover or choreography? Please comment if you have any input :)

I'm excited to get working on something to audition!

Love ya,
<3 ;

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