Old Friends Are New People

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So recently I ran into someone I was friends with when we were like 5 years old. Turns out he's trans too. Cool coincidence that we both started to socially transition around the same point in our lives and just now met again. It's really nice to get to hang out every day with a trans guy who feels the same about a lot of things and we can relate to the same stuff.

I also got back in touch with someone I was friends with when I was 4 and they're genderfluid. How cool is that? We were talking again and they mentioned their gender and I was like COOL YOU'RE AWESOME and came out. We then compared gender identities and expressions and they're amazing.

Just kinda funny that I recently got back in touch with people I was friends with when I was really little and both turned out to be really queer and have great music taste and interests.

Anyways, hope y'all are having and amazing day!

Love ya,
<3 ;

Take Me Home, Ground ControlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora