My Trans Flag!

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I was at my girlfriend's house and she gave me a trans flag. Like a big real trans flag. She waved it at Pride for me because I couldn't go and then she just gave it to me. She put it on me like a cape then handed me her cat and I felt invincible. She presented me as her masterpiece and her parents thought it was great. I'm so happy!

I figured out that I'm nonbinary. I'm trans and nonbinary. My pronouns are he/him and they/them. Either is chill.

I'm not sure when I'll come out as nonbinary because right now I think it's safer for me to be out as a trans guy. Although I don't really tell people I'm a trans guy. I tell them I'm transgender and they assume I'm going from one binary gender to another. It's progress and it's a step I'm trying to take in the process of becoming my authentic self. Maybe I have to go through being a girl and then being a boy before I can really be a person to the world, but I'm trying. I want to spread more nonbinary awareness in school.

Thanks for listening.

Love ya,
<3 ;

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