Moving On Up

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Movin On Up

Duff's POV

Well I was lucky enough to get a cabbie that was a Motley Crue fan. All he wanted as pay was Nikki's autograph. So I scribbled it out, not like the guy knew what Nikki's autograph looked like anyway. I walk up to the security gate and punch in the gate code. I hope I don't get it confused with the house alarm code. I type in the keypad  711. This was apparently the time of day Nikki was born. I walk up his driveway and onto his front porch. He told me his keys were in his right front pocket. So I reach in and pull out about a dozen keys on a single ring. I try them all until I hear the lock unlock. I go in and know I have thirty seconds to reactivate the alarm. Shit, where's the key pad? I find it and quickly type in 11781. That's the date Crue banded together.

I'd been to Nikki's place several times so I knew where the rooms were. I turn on some lights and stumble toward the bathroom. I feel sick. Probably the fucking heroin. I drop to Nikki's knees and hurl. I feel a bit better afterwards but way more fucked up. Shit, did Nikki have to do so damn much? I stand in front of the sink and turn on the faucet. I cup my hand under it and get a drink. My eyes fall on my reflection, Nikki's reflection. Holy shit this was weird. How the hell would we ever get this sorted out? I wonder if I punch Nikki if hell feel it? I pinch my arm. Nope, I'd feel it.

I moan and start washing off Nikki's damn makeup. I go to the toilet and raise the lid. I start to unlace the leather pants, then it hits me. I'm gonna touch Nikki's dick. Fuck! Maybe if I just sit? Fuck, that's no good either. I'm gonna have to shower at some point. Hell, let's be realistic, He's gonna have to touch my shit too. Knowing Sixx he'll use it on the first slut he can find. Oh to hell with it, I gotta piss. I just won't look. So I pee and shove Nikki's dick back in his pants I quickly scrub my hands because I just touched Nikki's dick and God knows what might be on it!

I start to leave the bathroom but another wave of nausea hits me. I turn and rush back to he toilet and vomit more. I flush it and slowly slide down the hallway wall to Nikki's bedroom. I start to search for something to sleep in apparently Nikki owns no underwear, can't find shorts, no PJ's. The fucker probably sleeps naked. I glance at his unmade bed and shiver at the thought of what germs were breeding in it. Fuck it, I need sleep. I strip down and slide under the covers. I feel something stab me in the ribs. I reach down and pull it out of me and look to see what it is. It's a fucking used needle! Goddamnit Nikki! Now I'll probably catch something! But then I remember, this is Nikki's body, not mine. I should worry more about what he gives me!

So I stuff a pillow behind my back and lay on my side. I've been around enough junkies to know to always sleep on your side in case you puke in your sleep. I just wanna go to sleep but my brain is just feeling. How the fuck do we fix this? Where the fuck do we even start? I mean, who the fuck is an expert in soul swapping? What if we're stuck like this forever? The letter said something about learning a lesson. It said know the other person well. What the fuck does all that shit mean? And where do we find answers? I cannot believe this shit is happening to me. I didn't ask to transfer my soul into Nikki's body. Maybe  can just go to sleep and when I wake up I'll be me again. Maybe that's possible. Stranger shit has certainly gone down tonight.

Shit, who am I kidding here? I'm stuck in Nikki Sixx's body! God knows how long I'll be in here. I don't know how to fucking be Nikki. I don't know his mannerisms. I don't know how to do is fucking hair. I don't know his favorite color. I don't know his friends. I don't even know his parents names. I don't know where he grew up. I don't know what he eats. I don't know his daily routine. I can't write songs like he does. The only fucking thing we have in common is that we both play bass. But our styles are nothing alike. How the fuck was I gonna pull this off until we found away to get back into our own bodies? Shit this was bad. I do my best to stop thinking. Just let the heroin work Duff. Go to sleep. There's nothing you're gonna accomplish tonight with all this worrying.

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