White Trash Circus

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White  Trash Circus 

Nikki's POV 

We got up early and went to hell house. We're both hung over of course I shot Duff up and he's feeling better. I'm sucking on a bottle of Vodka trying to help mine. I honestly thought about shooting up while I was giving Duff a shot. I knew it would take care of my hangover. But we're trying to get me sober so I didn't do it. I was afraid Duff's body would want more if I gave it any.

So we pull up to hell house and get out. We walk in and find Slash and Steven staring at one another. They look a bit pale but they don't seem dopesick or anything. They look like they just saw a ghost. Had something happened? They just look up at us and say nothing. No good morning. No what's us. Something has definitely happened.

"What is it?" I shrug Duff's shoulders.

"Yeah, you guys are acting weird," Duff notes pushing my hair out of his eyes.

"It's...it's Axl and Izzy," Steven softly says.

"What? Did something happen to them?" Duff asks, "are they ok?"

Slash just nods without a word.

"Well where are they?" I ask.

"Upstairs," Slash points, "in Axl's room."

"Should we be worried?" Duff asks.

"I don't think so, no," Steven shakes his head.

I cock Duff's eyebrow. I guess I had to get to the bottom of this weirdness. I start for the stairs.

"Nikki no man," Slash calls out but of course I don't listen.

I go upstairs and try to remember again which room was Axl's. I find it because it's the only shut door upstairs. I reach for the doorknob and turn it. I gently push it and it creeks. I pause and wait to see if anybody heard that. But there is no sound at all coming from inside the room. Get the door open enough to stick my head in. My jaw dropped at what I saw. They were asleep, both of them. They're completely naked and spooning. Oh shit! They fucked last night!!

The polite thing to do is shut the door, go back downstairs and pretend I know nothing. But since when am I ever fucking polite?? So I snake through the squeaky ass door and stand at the end of the bed with my arms crossed staring at the two of them with a huge smile on my face. I clear my throat loudly and both their eyes open.

"My my, isn't this a true Polaroid moment?"

They look at each other and quickly start grabbing clothes and dressing.

"Nikki get the fuck out of here man!" Izzy shouts in Axl's much louder voice.

"But why? I already saw you naked," I smirk.

"Nikki I aware to god, if you don't get the fuck out of my room!!"Axl shouts in Izzy's voice.

"Nope, don't trust you two now. I'm gonna make sure you two get downstairs. I know you'll probably want to reenact whatever this was now that you're awake. So come on, play times over. Get dressed boys."

They curse me and complain but inevitably make it downstairs where three Gunners sit looking like ghost that seen ghosts. They just stare at Izzy and Axl. Izzy sits on the floor and Axl just stares at his band mates. I guess they're figuring out that everyone knows that something happened between him and Izzy.

"What the fuck are you guys staring at?" Axl snaps.

"Well," I pipe up, "I do believe it's the elephant in the room."

"What elephant?" Steven asks looking around the room like there might actually be a live elephant hidden in here somewhere.

"It's just an expression Popcorn," Slash sighs at his mentally challenged friend.

"What the fuck are you going on about Nikki?" Axl asks me.

"I'm saying that I think everyone knows what it is I know."

Axl just goes translucent in Izzy skin. Now he definitely knows that everyone knows.

"How does everyone know?" Izzy asks as softly as he can in Axl's voice.

"We could hear you guys last night," Slash says trying to keep the smile off his face.

Axl quickly turns Izzy's head to look at izzy. Izzy just casually shrugs Axl's shoulders, "I told you that you can hear everything through these walls."

"I..it's not what you guys think..."Axl stammers on.

I just gleam behind Duff's smile. "I think it's exactly what we think."

Axl looks at Izzy again. He lights a cigarette like nothing's wrong and none of this bothers him. Axl rushes for the door almost running. He flies out of the house slamming the door behind him. Then of course all eyes fall on Izzy. 

"Thanks a lot guys," he sighs and walks calmly for the door and leaves after Axl.

Once he's gone we all bust out fucking laughing. "Man did they really?" Duff asks me with my smile.

"Looked that way upstairs, they were naked and spooning."

"They were?!"Steven eagerly asks.

"Should we go after them?" Slash asks.

"No," I smile, "I think we better let Izzy handle this one. Besides, we have to go shopping."

"But we don't have any money," Duff shrugs.

"Ok, I have to go shopping," I clarify.

"Shopping for what?" Slash asks

"Books on Voo Doo," I nod Duff's head affirmatively.

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