I Feel Good

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I Feel Good

Duff's POV

This incredible, undeniable boredom has come over me. I'm sitting here at hell house trying to watch TV, but Axl and Izzy are fucking cuddling up on the couch together. Every now and then they share a smile or a romantic kiss. Normally I would be smiling like this is great. But I'm not. I'm fucking bored, half drunk, and sorta feeling pissed off. I think it's a side effect to being in Nikki's body. It might be my soul but it's Nikki's brain and whatever fucking out of balance chemicals he has floating around in there.

I can't speak for everyone else, but it's been my observation that the longer that I stay in Nikki's body, the more I'm starting to feel like him. Like I'm becoming him. And I don't know if this is supposed to be happening or what. I mean nobody else has mentioned that they feel like they're becoming whose body they inhabit. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm imagining it all. Maybe I just ran across some untapped emotions in my psyche.

But one thing I'm certain about is the fact that if I hear one more smacking kiss im totally gonna go off on these two. And I don't want to do that, Izzy's fresh out of the hospital from a suicide attempt and he finally looked happy. I didn't want to piss all over his parade. But I seriously can not take being around the lovebirds right now. I needed to get the fuck out of here. Like now. Seriously. I'm seconds away from cutting off their appendages and setting fire to them. I think it's best if I get the fuck out of here.

I quickly spring to Nikki's feet. Axl and Izzy both look at me. "I... I gotta go," I abruptly say and rush out the door.

I get outside and breathing in the fresh smog. Definitely better out here. But I still feel this nagging boredom feeling. I just don't know what to do with it. I light up a cigarette and start for the strip. I don't make it far before a couple of girls come running up to me squealing. They want Nikki's autograph naturally. I for a moment forget whose body I possess. Nikki has to have bodyguards in public. Maybe I can get by without them.

I pass by a couple hookers at the end of the street. I don't know what the fuck comes over me but I grab one by the ass. I pull the other into my arms and kiss her. I wink at them and walk away. I can hear them giggling and asking each other if I was Nikki Sixx. That was really fucking bold of me. I'm lucky some pimp didn't try to shank me for sampling the goods without paying.

So I end up at the Cathouse. I get ushered into the VIP room and brought a bottle of champagne. Wow. Then in come the strippers. They caress me, sit in my lap and do basically anything they can to get my attention and get me to shove money at them. I don't have the heart to tell them I'm not Nikki and that I'm flat fucking broke. But as luck would have it, they're more concerned with bragging rights. They just wanna be able to say they gave Nikki Sixx a lapdance. Ok, fucking fine by me.

Don't ask me how, but I end up sucking on this perfect silicone rack while some other chick blows me. Like right her in the VIP room. Who knew being Nikki had such perks? I'm like really into this shit. When those two chicks finish me off there's another set waiting in the wings which quickly take their place. These two make out with each other until they see I'm getting hard again. So I bend one over while the other licks my ass. Now that one is new to me, but hey, I'm totally game for some reason. I'm not normally into much more than average, boring, plain old missionary sex. But tonight...Fuck, I'm an animal.

I lose track of how many strippers I actually go through tonight. But when my gut starts to ache from cumming so much I decide to call it a night. So I get up, thank the girls, tell them all good night, then fucking hell breaks loose. Now they're thrusting palms out at me wanting cash. I try to get past them but you'd be surprised how buff these bitches are. And there's like ten of them. Naturally they drag the club owner and security into the middle of it. They let me get by cuz they think I'm Nikki who is apparently a valued customer.

So I leave before I get beat up by strippers. I'm drunk as shit. I snort a little coke to level out. I get hit up for several more autographs before I finally make it to the Roxy. There's a line to the end of the fucking block. But I remember, I'm Nikki fucking Sixx tonight. I walk right to the front of the line. The door man doesn't say a single word, he just unclasped the rope and let's me go right on in. Inside, more autographs, more free drinks. It's kinda ironic that when you're rich everything comes free.

I end up so fucking hammered that I can't make it to the bathroom for a piss. So I stand up, unzip my fly, whip out Nikki's dick and piss on the bar. And would you believe that I actually get away with it? And that's nothing! Then I start breaking out lines of coke on the bar. I even give one to the bartender. Damn, they really let Nikki get by with fucking murder. I'd never get by with any of this shit in my own body. Nor would I probably feel compelled to try. But in Nikki...man I feel ten feet tall and bullet proof.

When the bar closes the club owner calls me up a limo and has security help me get in the motherfucker. I don't tell the driver where I'm going but he seems to fucking know. The movement of the limo and a belly full of 80 proof doesn't go together well. Puke spews out of me all over the back of this limo. I'm talking projectile puke man. And I could give a fuck what anybody could think about it. I totally don't give a flying shit about anything.

So I pass out. When I sorta start coming to I find I'm walking and clinging to the chauffeur. He's walking me up to a house. Wait, this ain't hell house. Where the fuck has he taken me? But as I stagger closer I see I've been safely delivered to Nikki's house...but then, I am Nikki. I get in the front door with apparent help from Satan since the entire world is just spinning and my eyes are jerking back and forth like the world has a twitch. I try fucking with the goddamn alarm but I can't see the fucking numbers, much less hit such a tiny target when everything keeps moving. Then I land on my ass and a couple seconds later the fucking sirens go off in this motherfucker. Fuuuuuck.

Luckily Nikki rushes out of his room. He steps over me and presses in a code. Then his phone rings. He answers. It's apparently the security company cuz he tells them everything's fine, gives a password and hangs up. He props my shoulder against the wall and folds my arms. He looks down at me smirking.

"Fun evening?" He asks.

I just fall back on the floor laughing with Nikki's manic hyena laughter. Fuck yeah it was a fun evening. Definitely worthy of note! Something to write home about for sure. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I like being Nikki. I get to be as bad as I wanna be. I get free shit out the yin yang. And girls...my god the fucking girls! I don't know why I haven't taken advantage of this shit before now.

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