Sharp Dressed Man

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Sharp Dressed Man

Duff's POV

I stand in front of the mirror and practice getting Nikki's hair right. I aware to god it only works for him. How the fuck does he get it to stay up?! I don't foresee me ever getting the hang of this. It's like literally the hardest thing in the world to do! Like fucking engineers couldn't figure this shit out! An architect couldn't construct this goddamn hair do! Nikki must use the powers of Satan to get his hair to do what it does.

I finally sigh in surrender. I just can't fucking get it down. I allow myself to look at his clothes I'm wearing. Nikki dresses like a rock star even his casual wear around the house shit. I don't really when I wanted to lounge around and be comfortable. I'd wear sweats or shorts or something. Nope, not Nikki. He lounges in leather apparently. I admit he has them well broken in. I'm not uncomfortable. The shirt is ripped up here and there and sporting some vulgar phrase.

Another thing, Nikki wears his makeup at home too. That I'm pretty good at. I get his eyeliner done pretty easily. Hair, that's another story. But his makeup I've got down. I admire my artwork in the mirror. I'd say I did pretty good, fucking hair aside. I just don't have the powers of Satan to help me out on that one. Nikki's just gonna have to do it himself or settle with this. I guess he can give me his opinion on that later.

Right now he has my dick in danger. He's out with that Voo Doo chick. I'm doing my best to not think about that. But it's rather hard to not worry about your body, especially when Nikki is the one in your body. Like he cares if my dick will be shrunken, cursed, a Voo Doo pin cushion, dismembered, broken, diseased, or rendered useless. It's not his cock is on the line, it's mine and Nikki has full control of it. If you know anything about Nikki then you know how wild and crazy he is, would you entrust your body to him? Yeah, no, no you wouldn't. Unfortunately I have no fucking choice in the matter. Welcome to my world.

So I go downstairs and find Steven, Slash and Nikki chugging Jack and smoking cigarettes. There's also coke on the coffee table. Nikki alternates between Jack and Vodka. I suddenly find myself thirsty. As I draw closer I see that Nikki has that Voo Doo book open and is studying it. God I hope he doesn't make matters worse. I sit across from him and he looks up at me with my eyes.

He scrunches his eyebrows up at me, "What the fuck have you done to my fucking hair?"

"I just can't get it right man," I sigh and reach for the Jack.

"Have you found anything yet Nikki?" Steven asks him.

"No," Nikki sighs sounding like me, "nothing yet, there's gotta be something. I asked the Voo Doo chick if she could get me in to see someone higher up, but she said she doubted they'd see me."

"Does Voo Doo chick have a name?" Slash asks.

"Of course she does, I just don't remember what," Nikki shrugs my shoulders.

"I'm never gonna get my fucking body back," I sigh.

"Yes you will," Steven says sympathetically.

"That's right," Nikki nods and looks at me, "I refuse to just let you take my body as yours for the rest of time."

"Man, every lead we get turns into a dead end," I sigh.

"Don't you give up on me, McKagan," he looks at me with my most serious face.

I don't bother replying back. Nikki already has it in his head that he's gonna get us back in our bodies. When Nikki makes up his mind, that it. It's no longer open for debate.  Not a damn thing any of us say now is going to register with him. He's got it in his head that he can learn VooDoo and switch us back. He just won't see the hopelessness of our situation. This spell apparently required more work than reading some books and screwing some VooDoo chick. We're like supposed to be learning some unforseen lesson. Sixx would do better to focus himself on that sort of thing. We might actually get our bodies back if he would just reveal what his big secret is.

Not that I really have room to talk. I haven't been forthcoming with my secret yet either. My secret is that I envy Nikki. Not the guy himself so much as his power over others. Nikki is the leader of his band. He gets the final say so in everything. Like seriously, nobody shits without Nikki's permission. When he tells people to jump they gladly ask how high.  And he's really got some balls. Nikki can say whatever he wants to people and they never even act offended, at least not to Nikki's face. Everyone cowers to him. Even his whole band knows who calls the shots. I don't think Vince likes that much, but eventually he bends to Nikki's will. Everybody! How can one man have so much power?

I have to admit, that is like my favorite part about being Nikki. I can get away with murder because Nikki says and does as he pleases. And there never concenquences to his actions. People are kissing my ass now. They almost act afraid of me and always go the extra mile to keep me happy.  It doesn't matter if I'm nice or an asshole, no one ever questions a fucking thing I say. It's also pretty nice not being walked all over for a change. Fans are also pretty fucking cool. Signing autographs is pretty fucking cool. Having people recognize you gives you this incredible rush.

But I'll be damned if I tell Nikki that. His head is big enough and I don't want mine to explode. Nikki's full enough of himself already. I've never met a bigger egomaniac. The word vain was invented to describe Nikki. He walks over people with no mercy. He's a bully. It's to be his way and no one else's. He doesn't ask for opinions because he holds all the answers, regardless if he has the answer or not. This situation is  proof of that. Nikki is running the search for a way to get our bodies back. We do what he wants. We try what he wants to try.  It's team Sixx or don't fucking play at all.

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