Don't Let Me Get Me

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Don't Let Me Get Me

Narrative POV

And even more time passed. Months. Perhaps far too much time. Times became hard for all involved. Save one. Nikki. There was no one who could seem to convince Nikki to return to his own body. But Nikki's feelings on the matter were: "Why should I?" Nikki felt perfect bliss and constant contentedness inside Duff. It was like erasing everything bad from his life. All the hassles were just simply gone. And all he longed for was just in his grasp. He had said it before that Duff was everything he wasn't before. Now he realized that Duff was actually everything he had wanted to be. He just knew he was tired of being the Nikki Sixx persona that he had created after killing Frank Ferrana. Duff had everything he could want in life. He had made enough money to live the rest of his life comfortable. As Duff he gained a family, true friends, no heroin addiction to ever worry about again, morals, and respectfulness. And he got to keep the things he liked as himself. Like his humor, playing bass, being tall, skinny, cool, and being the highly intelligent person he is.

But Duff was seeing finally that being Nikki wasn't right or possible for him. He had gotten too wrapped up in it. So much so that he was essentially becoming Nikki. He was doing things he knew were wrong. He was being a womanizer. He was being rude and disrespectful. He was getting cocky. And Didn't want to be this way anymore. But it was like he couldn't control it sometimes. He tried to fight it and become himself. But sometimes it was really hard since he was still having to pretend to be Nikki because Nikki wouldn't stop all this. He wouldn't work on trying to switch their souls back. Duff had been trying his best to do it alone but he was failing. He just couldn't figure out what would change them back. Even if he did Nikki would never do his part. Everything seemed so redundant. Duff felt like he was forgetting who he was on the  inside. He found himself sometimes wondering who he was anymore. In Nikki's body he had to pretend to be him so much that he was slowly forgetting Duff.

It would seem as if Steven alone actually understood the secret to the entire soul swap spell, and his soul hadn't even experienced it. Perhaps he was. In Steven's belief, you must stand on the outside to better see the inside. In a sense he was a part of this. He stood on the outside and was getting a far clearer picture of the inside. Yet no one ever gave him the chance to voice his opinion. They always shut him up. They thought it would be something stupid. Normally Steven did say the dumbest things. But just this once, Steven was right. But who would ever believe that? It was a hopeless situation and it weighed on Steven greatly. He just wished they would listen. He had been right about Axl and Izzy. He was right about Duff and Nikki too. But who could he get to listen to him? How could he tell them in some other way without it actually being him? Maybe he could pay someone to pretend to be a VooDoo Doctor to tell them? Maybe they would believe that. But Steven had no money. Perhaps a girl he knew? He could pay for it in sex.

Slash too could see the damage it was causing for the band. But not only his, Nikki's too. Nikki just didn't give a shit about Guns trying to make it. He refused to practice. When they played gigs Nikki just sorta free styled. He didn't care about doing a good show. He couldn't count the seconds until he got off the stage so he could just have peace and quiet. Nor did Nikki seem to care about  the executive decisions needed for his own band. Nikki was the only person that could do that and he just didn't care anymore. It's like he just wanted Motley Crue to whither up and die. Maybe he thought they could fizzle away and he could again find peace. Trouble with that was how much fame he already had. People wouldn't soon be forgetting Motley Crue. They had too many hits under their belt. Hits that Nikki had written. Too bad he wouldn't write something for Guns. But his odd assortment of metal, pop, and rock wasn't really their signature style.

Even Axl and Izzy had taken time out of their newly found love to try to convince/threaten Nikki to try to return their bassist to them. Axl unleashed on Nikki like a Pitbull, but it did nothing. Izzy tried with his cool headed calmness to try to pursuay Nikki, but that didn't work either. It was Axls opinion that if there was a true business problem with Crue that Nikki might snap out of it. Izzy on the other hand felt that if Nikki just had a little more time that he would grow bored of being Duff. And if that didn't work he felt that Nikki losing access to his money should definitely work. They plotted out ways to make Nikki lose his money but they knew of no way to do that. So they talked to Tommy.

Tommy's idea was to take Nikki's credit cards and bank book while he was sleeping. To which he couldn't trust the Gunners to do because he didn't trust a bunch of broke struggling musicians and junkies with Nikki's money. Well Tommy's plan backfired Because he could find these items nowhere in Nikki's house. This meant he had no choice but to check hell house since Nikki did spend a lot of nights there. But this uncovered nothing as well. The only explanation for this was that Nikki had apparently anticipated this and hidden them. When Nikki hides something nobody's gonna find it. Sit Tommy, along with the Gunners worked day and night trying to figure out a way to get Nikki to see that it was time for he and Duff to get their own bodies back. But that was nearly impossible since Nikki just wouldn't listen or would walk away. Things were looking grim.

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