Don't You Want Me Baby

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Put A Spell On You 

Duff's POV 

Man...where the fuck does Nikki find these fucking places? It's like he's the utmost authority of all things fucking creepy. This store he brought me to is in a fucking alley somewhere on the fucking dark side of the moon. Despite it being daylight I can't feel anything but fear. There's little stick dolls with their eyes and mouths crossed out. I point one out to Nikki.

"Oh those, I wouldn't worry about those. That's simply saying see no evil speak no evil...or something or another."

I cock his eyebrow at him, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Well...I've done extensive research into the whole cult phenomenon and I know more than you, don't I," he smirks my face at me.

"Man, you have me in an alley...alone with no one but you to watch my back. There's like so many ways this can go wrong!" I emphasize.

"Duff," he sighs and runs my fingers across the bridge of my nose, "It's just a fucking store."

"In an alley?"

"Yes. In an alley," he nods my head.

"Why is it an alley Nikki? You explain to me who has a store in an alley? Why not the main street?"

He rolls my eyes, "Because it's a religion practiced in this country but highly frowned upon. Witchcraft is acceptable ok. That's why they have their little bookstores with candles and incense and smiles with clever little store names in suburban shopping malls. This is Voo Doo. You can't even walk into a library and find this shit. People would be afraid and send letters to some asshole whose job is to remove sensitive material. Do you think they'd be open a month as a legit store?"

God I hate it when I think Nikki makes a valid point. It's usually always followed by disaster. Most recently being the suggestion of doing more coke so we could drink more. Now here we are stuck in each other's bodies. There's never any sanity in his logic. Therefore I must be fucking insane if I think he makes sense. Yeah, that's it, I'm crazy, certainly. I should just turn around and go home. That's safe. That's not insane.

"We should really come back with everyone else," I say in a last ditch effort to save our asses.

"Pussy," he looks at me challengingly, "Fine. Run home like a bitch. I'm not leaving until I get what I came for. Grow some goddamn backbone."

"I'm not being a pussy! I'm just looking after my ass!" I shout in my face.

"What, you don't think my ass is worth looking at?" He says then looks back at his ass on me. "I happen to think I have a very nice ass. I mean you should really check it out because it apparently belongs to you since you aren't man enough to take your own back."

I sigh in defeat. I knew he wouldn't come back without going to this underground Voo Doo store. Somebody remind me again, why am I friends with Nikki? "Can we just get this over with," I sigh in defeat.

Nikki smirks at me, "Why certainly sir, right this way," he bows.

So we make it to a big metal door that looks like it's had an LAPD battering ram go through it one too many times. Nikki reaches my hand out to it with no fear. And I just about piss in his pants. My knees are shaking and I've got a very very bad feeling about this but Nikki just walks in.

But when we get inside its just a fucking book store. Just a moldy smelling bookstore. Why in the hell do they have this in an alley? This isn't scarry at all. But then I started to pay attention to the books themselves. I see things like stars, pentagrams, and artwork I can't explain that I know is something that I shouldn't touch, much less crack the seal on.

Nikki starts running my index finger across book spines reading them silently. I m looking all around me to make sure that I don't touch a goddamn thing. I'll be damned if I unwillingly cast another curse or spell on us. Nikki better be fucking careful with what books he touches. And he better not so much as read a title out loud!

Then we're approached by this very attractive black chick. She smiles at us, "May I help you?"

Nikki noticeably turns up my charm. "Do for me? Mmmm no, let me do for you."

"Nikki," I say from the corner of his mouth. Please don't piss off the very hot chick working in the Voo Doo book store.

But Nikki ignores me completely and walks up to her. He makes my eyes visibly scan her body with no shame. "Where do I have to go to meet your family?" He purrs.

Surely this junior high line isn't going work. Nope this very hot Voo Doo chick is probably going to shrink our heads. Fuck I bet she could even turn us into zombies or something. Just please please pretty Voo Doo chick, don't turn me into a girl. In fact, omit the fact that I'm here at all. I'm invisible. That's it Sixx, make a spectacle so she remembers you and forgets me. Yeah. That's it Nikki, you keep talking and I'll quietly sneak out. And the opportunity comes so I'm not turning it down. I go outside and light up a cigarette.

I wait five minutes and start worrying about Nikki. Maybe I shouldn't have left him alone. Maybe I should go back in. And I probably weigh my options something like ten minutes. I decided that I have to go back in. As I'm reaching for the door Nikki comes walking out with a book in his hands.

"You got a book?! Don't you dare read aloud anything!!"

"Pussy," he smirks and just walks. "So I got you a date for tomorrow night. Well I got me one in your body somehow."

"With the fucking Voo Doo chick?! Are you fucking crazy?!" I shout "If I'm bad in bed she might fucking do weird shit to my dick!!"

"Exactly," Nikki nods my head, "Ooooh, the pressure. I do hope that helps you be motivated to do good."

"Regardless, you can't go out with that chick man!"

"Why not? She works in a fucking Voo Doo book store! She has to be part of the inner circle of such somehow. She's gotta know somebody that knows somebody! So you better hope you fuck her and fuck her right."

"You're fucking her!"

"With your malfunctioning dick!! So if you pray then pray you fuck her right It's your body! I'm just the bastard stuck inside!"!

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