Fight For Your Right

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Fight For Your Right

Duff's POV

Jesus Christ, I have never seen Nikki so pissed off before! I don't even know what he's making such a huge deal about. I mean he got off like three time, what the fuck is wrong with that? Sounds like it was all good to me! I'm the one who got jerked away with blue balls. Nikki is currently sitting in the corner with a bottle of vodka giving me an evil eye. I don't say any though. He's already told everyone that I'm a preejaculator! I didn't want him to embarrass me further.

Tommy shows up then asking where the fuck we disappeared to. Nikki just hurls the bottle of vodka at me. I manage to get up and jump out of the way somehow and it shatters against the wall. "I fucking HATE vodka!"  He shouts.

"Dude, here," Slash says and extends his bottle of Jack out to Nikki. I watch my hand grab it. Then he turns the bottle up and pours it down my throat. But he doesn't look quenched.

"Who the fuck taught you how to fuck!" He screams at me

I just stand there with his head hung. But maybe I shouldn't have taken my eyes off Nikki. Before I even know what's happening in punched in Nikki's jaw and his back lands flat on the floor. My own hands are wrapped around Nikki's throat which I unfortunately need to breathe. I'm thrashing around and pushing at him but he's locked on me. I frantically look around for someone to fucking help me but nobody's moving!

"Man, what did you do to Nikki?" Tommy asks bending down over me, but he doesn't make one move to help me. Great, his fellow Terror Twin, he's not gonna help me. He's gonna take Nikki's side as usual!

"Hey, he can't breathe! Look how fucking red he is!" Slash calls out and tries to grab my arm which Nikki is using to fucking strangle himself!

"Fucking good!" Nikki shouts and just peers right into his own eyes. Man he has my face looking fucking demented! My goddamn eyes are black! He's pissed! And he's gonna fucking kill me if someone doesn't get him the fuck off me!

"Why? What did Duff do to him?" Axl then asks walking over for a better view of the situation. I didn't do anything to this psycho!! Help!!

"I'll tell you what the fuck he did," my own voice growls, "He neglected to tell me that he has the stamina of a fucking virgin!"

"Who the fuck cares," Axl sighs sounding like Izzy.

"Well probably Duff since Nikki's choking him out," Slash says with a dangling cigarette and scratching his head. These fuckers are being a little blasé about this shit! Nikki is killing me! I see spots in my vision. My face feels like it's on fucking fire!

"He fucking humiliated me!" Nikki booms in my most irate tone.

"When those chicks did think you were Duff," Tommy shrugs.

"Be logical Nikki, they think you're Duff," Slash notes.

"Yeah well it wasn't Duff! It was fucking me! And I'm a good fucking lay normally! This isn't how I act in the sack!" He yells choking me still.

"Granted," Axl reasons and in Izzy's voice he sounds so calm when he's usually so high strung. "But I can't let you kill my fucking bassist."

"Yeah Nikki, think about what you're doing," Slash nods.  "If you kill Duff you'll be killing your own body? If you have no body then it means you have to be Duff all the time! You'll never be yourself again!"

But I don't think Nikki even heard him. He's dead set on killing my ass! What if Slash is right? If Nikki kills me he can't get his body back, nor would I get mine.

"Enough of this," Axl says reaching for a lamp. He raised it above his head and hurled it down into Nikki' head. But the fucking thing just breaks and  Nikki never fucking moves or loosens his grip on me. "Fucking let him go!" Izzy's voice yells as he tries to pull Nikki off me by grabbing my blonde hair. He pulls back until my head is looking up at the ceiling. "Fucking let him go motherfucker!!"

Nikki just shoves himself to my feet and stands above him. Just to be an asshole he kicks me in his ribs. "Fuck you McKagan!" You better stay the FUCK out of my way from here on out!"

"Come on Nikki," Tommy says, "let's get the fuck out of here."

Nikki let's Tommy take him from the house while I gasp and hold my throat trying to catch my fucking breath. Holy shit! I sure hope Tommy can manage to calm Nikki down.

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