Welcome To My Nightmare

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Welcome To My Nightmare

Nikki's POV

I toss and turn in Duff's lumpy twin mattress. How does he sleep on this fucking thing? I'm starting to get a fucking headache from all the vodka Duff had been putting back tonight. Shit, I fucking forget to get my dope out of my pockets. My pockets which Duff wore home to my fucking house! At least three other junkies reside here. That momentarily calms me. I know that when I wake up I'll need a fix before starting the day as Duff. So what does Duff do with his time?

I flip and flop and groan. I kick the fucking covers off of myself and pound Duff's fists into the mattress. It's no fucking use! I can't sleep in this shitty bed! I growl and get up. I see a bottle of vodka by the bed. Not my preference but it was better than nothing I guess. I turn the bottle up and gulp some down. I rise to my feet, carrying the bottle and go downstairs to the kitchen. Duff apparently gets the munchies when he drinks.

I open the fridge and just roll my eyes. Leftover, half eaten take out, assorted single serving packages of condiments, mystery molds, and beer, well so much for fucking eating. So what can I do except chug more fucking vodka. The shit smells like fucking rubbing alcohol. Why does Duff love this shit so much? It's like dirt cheap. He could at least get Smirnoff or Grey Goose, maybe some Stoli. But no it's fucking McCormick rot gut. This shits gonna kill him.

"What are you looking for?" Someone asks. I turn to see Izzy. Well, Axl in Izzy's body.

"Fuck, I don't know, guess Duff has a case of the munchies. Why the fuck don't you guys have shit to eat?" I ask.

"Well it ain't your fucking house, so how is that your business?" Axl asks but hearing his spiteful words in Izzy's voice is so hard to get used to.

"You need to check the attitude. Izzy's too laid back to be sounding so moody. Seriously, even dumbass Steven will notice Izzy's behaving strange." I go over to the cabinets opening them. They're pretty harsh. I see a blender, two plates, one coffee cup, one plastic bowl, and a box of matches. No food here either. "Do you people fucking eat?"

Axl huffs, " Do you? All the junkies I know are sweet freaks."

"So you must be having a sweet tooth then. Unfortunately Duff wants food. I personally could give a fuck."

Axl just sighs, "Izzy's body apparently wants chocolate ice cream."

"I guess Izzy's asleep in your bed with your girl huh? Guess he's gonna have to fuck her at some point." Then I hop up on the counter smiling at him just waiting to see what kind of rise I can get out of him.

"Fuck you Nikki," he rolls his eyes.

"Duff, you mean?" I correct him, "Can't afford those little slips of the lip like that."

"Blow me," Axl frowns. I just can't get over how strange Izzy sounds when he's moody.

"So I thought about where we can start tomorrow," I say.

Axl shrugs, "And?"

"I think we should try some occult stores. You know, Wiccan stores, Voo Doo places, Santeria, Black magic, that kind of shit," I say.

"Maybe we need to try reading up on folk lores. There's gotta be something out there to explain this. Maybe all we have to do is like hold hands and turn in a counterclockwise motion and wish to be back in our own bodies," Axl sighs and runs his hand over Izzy's face. He plops down in a half broken chair at the table that only has three legs. The fourth is erected out of cinder blocks.

"Maybe we need an exorcist," I shrug from the counter top.

"Just you," Axl sighs again and looks down at Izzy's arms. "God look at these track marks."

"I'm surprised that he hasn't covered them up with tats. That's what I do with mine. Guess that's why Izzy never takes his shirts off or rolls the sleeves up any further than his forearm."I surmise and I'm probably right.

"Well maybe I can get him sober if I have his body," Axl says pulling up Izzy's left sleeve to see how far up the track marks went.

"Don't count on that. I have a feeling you're gonna wake up wanting a fix. I mean fuck, I m looking for food and I have a splitting headache from all the vodka Duff drank."

Axl just shakes his head, "I feel the heroin now. I bet Izzy's feeling uncomfortable right about now.

"I wonder if me and Izzy will turn you and Duff into junkies," I wonder aloud.

Axl just glares Izzy's eyes at me. "Goddamnit why did you have to read that damn thing?"

"Fuck, you found it," I smirk. "Hey how's Izzy's bed? Duff's is all lumpy and shit, I'll trade you."

Axl glares, "No."

"Fuck it," I sigh and jump off the counter, "I'll just sleep in the bathtub. "You should get some rest too."

"Fuck off," he shoos at me.

So I just fuck off, Duff's buzz is wearing off and I'm crashing hard. I go to the bathroom, slide down in the tub and fuck me if it ain't more comfortable than Duff's piece of shit bed. I'm out in thirty seconds.

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