The Dating Game

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The Dating Game 

Nikki's POV 

So Duff's got a date tonight... I've got a date tonight. I was supposed to be taking the Voo Doo chick to some Cajun joint. Naturally frog legs, alligator, turtle and squirrel jambalaya and goulash isn't my usual food of choice. But you know, ladies choice and everything, what was I supposed to do? It's common courtesy to let the chick decide. I was trapped into this one. I so truly rather go for a burger. But instead I'm getting mystery soup and swamp animals no self respecting American would eat.

We get to the restaurant ironically named Alligator Annie's. And sure enough, there's alligator, frog legs, squirrel, turtle, mountain oysters (fried sheep balls) and crawfish on the menu. Normally this is shit you don't see out of the state of Louisiana, but.... apparently some found its way to LA. Goddamnit, why couldn't it be a witchcraft or Satanism curses? Why fucking VooDoo from the depths of the swampy south? I mean, I get hot sauce, ketsup, and corn on the cob, but fucking frogs? But what can I do but make the best of it?

It's a good thing I'm a rich man cause this bitch orders half the fucking menu. Shrimp Ettouffe for the main course, for appetizers Crawfish, and she sucks their fucking heads! There's frog legs sticking out of a basket. I get something called corn poppers that are battered and fried balls of cream style corn. They're pretty good. And and I'm not brave enough to order any of the main courses. So I get some fries. So I though. They bring me out this plate of shit that looks more like burnt chips. Come to find out it's an entire potato thinly cut in a spiral and dropped in grease. It's ok, but they should call it something besides French fries.

I watch as Voo Doo chick sucks the head on another crawfish. God that's so disgusting, but oddly enough, it sorta turns me on at the same time. This bitch could suck a golf ball through a water hose. I imagine she could suck a mean dick. Hopefully I'll be finding out later. If not, hopefully I do get a little insight into the world of Voo Doo. That should probably be my top priority and not sex, but what can I say? I'm a guy, it's just how we think.

So I decided to bring up the topic of Voo Doo. "Soooo... You're like into Voo Doo and shit, right?"

"It's something I grew up with."

Good. She's familiar with this shit. "So you believe in it?"

She nods in affirmation. "When I was five I watched my grandma cough up a live frog."

"Why?" I ask.

She just smiles. It's a creepy smile that tells me she's not going to reveal the answer to me.

"Have you ever know anyone that... switched souls with someone?" I ask biting Duff's lip and hoping she has and will clue me in.

"Some used to say that it was a way to be immortal. The only problem is no one volunteers to sacrifice their soul to an aged dying body."

"I'm not talking about trying to be immortal. I'm talking about a spell. A spell that switches two souls," I explain.

"Oh," she says plainly, "That's a very old spell no one has used in many many years. It was to make a person more self aware of themselves. It was thought that the only way to achieve this was by standing outside of yourself so you could see inside."

"Is there a way to reverse the spell?" I ask leaning forward and paying close attention to what she says.

"No. The spell lasts until self awareness is found," she states so matter of factly that Duff's spine gets a chill.

Well fuck. This isn't sounding so good. There has to be somebody that can fucking change us back. Some fucking body! There has to be a quicker way to do this. There has to be some reversing spell or something!

"Why do you ask about such a spell? You don't think you can actually do it, do you?" She asks raising an almost accusatory eyebrow at me.

"I don't want to do it at all," I shake Duff's head, "Someone did it to me. I found the words to the spell behind a brick and read it out loud and four of us were swapped. The face you see isn't mine at all."

She just nods like she doesn't really believe me.

"No it's true," I say, "My soul is in someone else's body. My own body is holding the soul of a friend and I have two other friends whose souls have traded places."

"What makes you believe it's Voo Doo?" She asks and seems like she might be starting to believe me.

"Because a witch told me."

"A witch told you?" She chuckles a bit, "Do you believe in witchcraft?"

"Look baby, once you've had your soul trapped in someone else's body, you'll believe just about anything."

"That's good because no spell works unless you believe it can," she shrugs.

"Trust me, you can have a spell put on you without believing. I'm living proof of that," I sigh.

"You said that you read the spell?" She asks seemingly interested all of the sudden.

"Yeah," I nod Duff's head.

"But spells only work when performed by a... there's no way it would have worked with you just reading the words."

"Are you sure?" I ask sitting up straighter.

"I've never heard of it before," she shakes her head.

"Well it must be possible," I sigh and light a cigarette. "Do you think it would be possible for me to talk to someone who knows more about this stuff? Do you know someone?"

"Yeah, but I doubt that they'd talk to you," she huffs.

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