No Sleep Til Brooklyn

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No Sleep Til Brooklyn

Slash's POV

Man, I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore. Axl and Izzy are like a couple now. You have no clue how awkward and sudden this shit seems. I mean... I've seen them both fuck at least a hundred chicks each. Now they're suddenly what? Gay? When exactly did this shit just transpire? Maybe it's got something to do with the whole body switch thing. Maybe it was just a tactic to try to get their own bodies back. If so, I don't think it's working. Plus Izzy's body is heroin free now. Yet they still remain in the wrong body. As cuddly and in awe of each other as they've been... I don't think that they're really sweating trying to get back to normal. It's like it doesn't even matter to them anymore.

But that's not even all the weirdness going on around here. Duff has become this spontaneous unpredictable guy. Normally he'd be the nicest person you could ever hope to meet. He's the guy always solving disputes. He's the guy who helps an old lady with her groceries. He's that friend who you can always depend on to be there for you. The one who will sit up all night with you and get drunk. The one who always lightened heavy situations. But now... I don't even fucking know. He's doing shit like fucking two and three chicks at a time. He all but lives at the fucking Cathouse. He's Been getting all drunk and coked up and starting fights. He just says whatever he wants to people. It's like that voice of reason that tells you, hey you shouldn't say that is broken. It's he's becoming Nikki or something. Or maybe Nikki's fame is getting to his head.

Stranger still is Nikki. Usually Nikki is a grade A asshole. He's probably the most selfish person in LA. His biggest fan is himself. He's honest at least, but it's brutally honest. Like telling Axl it was his fault Izzy tried to kill himself. He doesn't give a shit about anybody's feelings. He struts around with his nose so high that he'd drown in a rainstorm. He uses people. He cheats people. He acts like a god that everyone should just worship. He only considers me a friend because I like to party on the same substances as him. But lately...If he sees a bum sitting on a sidewalk he gives them whatever change may be floating around in his pockets. Waiting in line to buy cigarettes he'll let anything female go before him. He's added two words to his vocabulary too, please and thank you. He's been so fucking nice and that's just not Nikki. He's not making jokes on Axl and Izzy. He's not wreaking havoc on Duff's body. Honestly, he's turning into a human being.

Shit just gets weirder and weirder around here. That VooDoo guy talked in fucking riddles. Why couldn't he just say, "Ok, this is what you fuckers need to do". Like really, we need step by step instructions for this shit. Cause whatever the guys are trying ain't fucking working. It's been over a month! Axl and Izzy are fucking, Izzy's fucking Erin and pretending to be Axl, Nikki's fucking some chick from a VooDoo book store, and Duff is fucking anything with a heartbeat.. I am all for sex, but really? There's gotta be something more than sex to getting their souls back into the right bodies. But it's like they've just forgotten about the whole thing. They've gotten wrapped up in being the person their souls are in. Everything is just slowly changing day by day. It's like Axl turned into some fluff bunny. Izzy's like too cool , calm, and collected. Nikki's taking a stab at sainthood. And Duff is obviously possessed by something dark and mischievous.

I guess me and Stevie need to take matters into our own hands cause these guys aren't. Maybe we would be able to avoid the distractions that were constantly blind siding them. Ok, so maybe I need to. Steven is no Braniff. He wouldn't know how to research anything but drugs. I just know somethings gotta give and it's gotta do it soon. I cant take this shit anymore. It's worse than Alice In Wonderland on Acid!

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