Purple Rain

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Purple Rain

Duff's POV

Do you remember that feeling you got the first time you ever heard the song Purple Rain? It was this feeling that gave you fucking chills. I'm mean everyone knows that there's no such thing as Purple Rain, but man that fucking feeling that song gives you. Prince makes you fucking believe in the Purple Rain. It's just one of those magical musical moments that come once in a lifetime. There's nothing that prepared you for the first time you hear that song. It's just about someone being so happy that they can dance in an impossible Purple Rain. I mean, if that songs never brought tears to your eyes...well you're just not human.

But unfortunately not everything brings you the rush, the chills, the aspiration of Purple Rain. But every day that I wake up as Nikki is absolutely comparable to Purple Rain. I know that every day will be something new and exciting to see, do, or partake in. I know that I'll be adored, revered, and respected. I don't get that shit as me. I didn't really understand why Nikki seemed just as happy to be me as I was being him. My euphoria is temporarily suspended by a knock on Nikki's front door, then there's the ringing of his door bell with its Funeral March theme.

I smile and get all eager about answering the door cause there's no telling who it might be. It could potentially be a very good time to be had. Fuck, it might even be that Purple Rain effect. I open it and see Tommy. He's sorta got this hesitant look on his face. "Oh hey man, Nikki's over at hell house," I tell him.

"Yeah, I figured," he sighs and scratches his head, "I came to see you actually."

"Sure, what's up? Some Motley business? More shit to sign?" I ask with a small smile.

"No...no it's personal. Can I like come in?" He motions behind me with his head.

"Yeah sure,," I step aside. "You want some Jack? Some coke maybe?" I offer.

Tommy just smirks and shakes his head no. "You're really starting to sound more and more like Sixx."

"Kinda the point," I shrug Nikki's shoulders.

"Really? Cuz last I checked you and Nikki were supposed to be trying to figure out this soul shit. Axl and Izzy got back to normal. But you and Nikki...it's like you just don't give a fuck anymore. Crue needs Nikki. We need him back and I'm sure your band wants you back too. But you and Nikki are all wrapped up in the charade of it all. And I get it dude. For you it probably fucking rocks being Nikki. But have you given a single thought as to why Nikki has no objections with being you?"

"No," I shrug and don't really care.

"Dude, Nikki lost his soul way before you came along. He sold it to rock and roll. All you see right now are the perks of fame. But Nikki's seen the shitty side of it, I have to. Don't you get it Duff? You gave him a soul again. But don't you think that will happen to you too after a while? That you'll lose your soul to all his fucking bullshit? It's not a 24/7 party dude. There's shit that will just sicken you. There's fucking  no offense,  but there's bullshit politics you know nothing about. And quiet frankly, you don't know how to take it. But Nikki does. You feel me?" He shrugs and paces. Jesus Christ Tommy talked like he was permanently coked out. Maybe I should fucking record this shit and play it back in slow motion.

"Nikki will figure something out. He's like a genius and shit, right?" I roll his eyes.

"Aren't you hearing me bro? Nikki doesn't want to fucking come back to his life! He wants to stay in you! He wants to be you goddamnit! " Tommy frustratedly asks.

"Well shouldn't you be having this theological discussion with Nikki?" I ask because im already tired of hearing it myself.

"I've tried! Man you don't know Nikki like I do. He hears what he wants to hear! He doesn't hear me! I thought that maybe I could get through to you but I might as well be talking to Nikki!" He shouts at me like he's pissed at me or something! "What the fuck is wrong with the two of you?! " He grabs me by Nikki's arms and shakes me, "This isn't your life! It can't be, don't you get that?!"

"Tommy, let the fuck go of me," I calmly say.

"No! You're gonna fucking listen!" He shakes me even more.

Normally I'm not the sort of guy who gets physical. But somehow, in Nikki's body I can't refuse the shit. I'm starting to feel really angry. I shove him hard in the center of his chest with Nikki's flat palms. His back hits the wall with a thud. He just looks at me shaking his head at me.

"Just...Fuck off!" I run Nikki's hands through his black hair.

"Just like Nikki," he mumbles and heads for the door. He leaves with a further word. I grab the Jack and gulp some. Then I hurl the bottle at the door. Who the fuck does Tommy think he is? I should probably tell Nikki about this little incident.

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