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Steven's POV

I don't know the first fucking thing about Voo Doo. Like nothing. But since all this shit started I knew it was something more simple than they were making it out to be. Here they were searching their hardest for secrets and things to overcome.. But it really was simplistic. The secret was also the thing to overcome. Like literally one in the fucking same. They had to accept it for themselves. They had to see it for what it was. I guess Voo Doo philosophy says this is more easily achieved out of your own body. Or perhaps a similar body in a similar situation. I mean, their very their souls were traded to the one who shared a secret with them. They had that common link to one another and that's what they had to figure out. With Axl and Izzy it was love. Izzy had to tell Axl how he felt so Axl could understand that he felt it too. He just had to accept it and accept Izzy. It was this yin and yang sort of thing.

And Izzy's drug use was never anything that even mattered. It was just Izzy and a part of him. It honestly had no relevance in the grander scheme of things. Izzy's addiction was nothing more than a means to deal with his secret unrequited love for Axl. It was Axl's love for Izzy that overcame the addiction for him. With Axl's love Izzy had nothing to numb. He had nothing to hide from. He had no aching secret to keep buried. Who needs drugs when they have everything they've always wanted?

And now the two of them are united like one. I've never seen two people so much in love before. At times its painful to me because I don't have that. Fuck, I've never known anyone who has that. It's like this was their destiny all along. They way they look at one another is so heart warming to me. I wished I could find my special someone who looks at me like that. I mean, maybe that's why that spell found them, because it was part of their destiny. If you believe that everything happens for a reason, then this has to be your proof. They've gained everything from this experience.

But love is not the secret that binds Nikki and Duff together. This wasn't just to get them together. Love has nothing to do with them at all. It's not even friendship. It's not music. None of those things are the tie that binds them. It's not the reason that the VooDoo spell was cast on them at all. Even I thought the two of them had to have been a mistake. But as time passed I started to see what their common link was between them. It wasn't as black and white as love. But these two did share a common emotion for the other.  It was envy.

Nikki's too proud to ever admit that he envied anyone. But he did. Nikki envied Duff's life. Not being poor and sharing your living space with roaches. He envied his family life, his friends, his very good hearted nature. Duff was everything Nikki wasn't. But apparently Nikki wished he had more of his attributes. Nikki's a twenty eight year old burn out. Rock and roll had stolen his soul. And I don't think Nikki likes who's he's become very much. But he knows that he is trapped in a role of sorts. He's Nikki Sixx and he has a reputation that will follow him to his grave. Nikki liked the break he got from his own life. He enjoyed the lack of an addiction. He liked knowing that everyone who befriended him did it for more than money or glory.

And Duff, Duff envied the bad side deep within himself that his structured upbringing would never let out. But as Nikki it was encouraged. For Duff it was finally being able to vent all that shit he kept buried so deeply inside of himself. He envied the walk on the wild side that came with being Nikki. He liked the taste of fame. He got off on having fans begging for his autograph. He indulged in the pussy thrown Nikki's way. In a sense, being Nikki was Duff's greatest escape from the normal confinements of his normal and boringly ordinary life. It was a sweet taste of making it. And we all wanted to make it the way Nikki had.

And the secret to getting those two back into their own bodies is just as simple as it was for Izzy and Axl. It was a quick and easy fix. All they have to do is admit to each other that they envied each other. It's that fucking simple. My gut just knows it to be true. But Duff probably doesn't want to accept that he likes being the asshole in Nikki. And Nikki has far too much pride to ever admit that he envied Duff. So stuck in each other they remain. But the charade is becoming too much for them. They're losing who they really are and becoming the characters they play. In Nikki's case it's no big deal. But Duff, we're losing Duff. Nikki is becoming more and more like Duff and Duff more and more like Nikki. And I worry that if too much time passes they will become the person whose bodies they inhabit.

But no one will fucking hear me out. They all think I'm just this dumb goofy blonde drummer. But I'm right about this and no fucking body will listen to my theory. If they would just listen maybe they would see the sense in it. Maybe they could finally get on with their real lives. But they won't even hear me out. It's just not fair. I just wish for once somebody would take me seriously. I can't explain how I know any of this. But I do. And I know I'm right. I was right about Axl and Izzy and I'm right about Nikki and Duff. And they'll all know it too if I can ever convince them to listen to me.

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