When You Close Your Eyes

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When You Close Your Eyes

Izzy's POV


I awaken to pea green eyes looking back into mine. I smile and he smiles back. He gently kisses my forehead and tells me it's time to get up. I wrap him up in my arms and kiss him the way I really wanted him to. My heart swells with joy and i can't remember ever being this happy before. I stroke his cheek. "Happy birthday darlin," I tell him. "What should we do today?"

"You're supposed to surprise me," he coos and grinds his pelvis into me. It drives me crazy and I love it.

"Yeah, but everything I think of is something you don't like so help me out here. What do you want to do?" And honestly, my only joy was pleasing him. I lived just to make him smile. He was my entire world. My sweetest everything.

"I want to go house hunting. We haven't had addresses since before the record deal. We haven't even started spending all that cash yet," he smiles sitting up straight on top of me and circling around one of my nipples. It causes goosebumps to form on one side of my body.

"A house for you or for both of us?" I ask but I know that it's for both of us. I just like teasing him and playing with him..

"Don't you want to wake up like this every day?" He asks.

Of course I did. Nothing could have made me happier. "Yes," I whisper and trace his lips. I move a strand of his red silky hair out of his eyes. I never tire of looking into them.

"Well, you gotta wake up first," he says and unstraddles me.

I try to get up but my body doesn't feel like cooperating with me. "Just let me lie here a bit longer," I smile snuggling into the pillow.

"Don't force me to take desperate measures Isbell. You know I will." He's smiling, but I know he's serious as a heart attack.

"Five more minutes," I mutter and drift off again.

I don't know how long Axl lets me lay there. But I wake up to freezing cold water being thrown on me. I jump up in shock and feeling like a drowned rat. He just chuckles at me, "You forced me to take desperate measures."

"You are so gonna pay for that," I say getting up on my feet and pealing out of my wet pants.

"Well you're up now," he laughs. I reach out and grab him. I jerk him to me and start to dry off using his hair and clothes as a towel. "Stop! You're getting me all wet!"

I laugh, "Yeah, how's it feel asshole?!" I kiss him tenderly.

"Pulse is weak."

I pull back and look at Axl, "Did you hear that? Are the guys here?"

"Why the hell would they be here at nine am?" He shrugs at me.

"I could have sworn I heard someone," I mutter but shrug it off.

"You're gonna hear me kick your ass if you don't get dressed. Here, I picked you out some clothes, go shower while I get dressed...again, Thanks for that."

"Anything for the birthday boy," I yawn and start for the bathroom.

I turn on the water and lay my clean clothes on the countertop. I see the mirror start to fog up from the steam. I pull back the curtain and step into the shower. I draw in a sharp breath because the water is fucking freezing. "Thanks for using all the hot water asshole," I say through chattering teeth as I reach for the soap.

"Pupils are fixed and non responsive."

I stick my head out of the curtain but no one's there. Damn, that sounded so real. I hurry up and finish my freezing cold shower. I start to towel off. I get dressed and exit the bathroom. The room is pitch black. Theres no furniture. No ceiling. No floor. No Axl. What the hell? Did he just leave without me? He didn't even have the decency to leave me a fucking note to say where he went.

"Axe?!" I call out but am met with zero sound. White noise is all I can seem to hear. And pitch black darkness is all i can see. Why is it so fucking dark in here?

"Respiration is slowing, we're going to have to incubate."

"Is someone there? Who keeps talking? I fucking heard you. I know someone is there," I say but no one answers. It's probably Axl playing a joke on me. I feel around for a table or bed. I needed a cigarette bad. But Axl probably has them with him. So I head to the door. But for some reason it's not where it's supposed to be. In fact, there's no door at all. "Ha ha, funny joke guys."

"Epinephrine stat."

"Who the fuck is saying that?!" I look all around me but can't even see my own hand in front of my face. It's completely black. Fuck, am I blind? "Axe? Where are you?!" This little joke of his wasn't too goddamn funny now. Why the hell would he wake me up just so he could leave.


All of the sudden it feels like a horse kicks me in the chest. What the fuck was that? What in the hell is going on here? Why is the bedroom an endless black void? Why do I keep hearing voices of people I don't know? Where was Axl? I feel my body surge with the rush of adrenaline. I'm panting like I just ran across California.

"I've got a pulse."

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