Who Are You

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Who Are You

Duff's POV

I worked my ... Nikki's ass off learning how to be him. We only had four days. I'm on my way now to rehearse with the rest of Crue. I'm so fucking nervous. Not about my playing, I've got the songs down. It's Nikki that I don't have down! At this point I have to tip my fucking hat to actors. What they do seems so simple, until you put the skill to the test. I hate this. I'm walking in all alone. I'm trying to lie to probably the three people who know Nikki the best. If I'm found out they'll beat the shit out of me. Right about now I would rather take a midnight stroll through Compton! Like seriously.

To make matters worse, Nikki shot me up about half an hour ago. I'm not used to heroin so I'm really feeling it. Nikki just pushed me out the door telling me it'll make me relax. Yeah dude, not working. But I guess a life or death situation would sorta interrupt your high. I'm too worried I won't say the right stuff or act the right way. I clench Nikki's bass case in my hand and reach for the door. This is it, no turning back now. I pull the door open and go inside.

I'm hidden behind hair and sun glasses so I feel good about that. But I am in Nikki's body so this should be the least of my worries. I pull off the shades, move Nikki's  hair out of his face and clear my throat. Three deadpanned expressions meet mine. "Hey what's up guys," I nervously wave.

"Can we start now your majesty?" Vince is rolling his eyes.

"Can this not turn into a grudge match?" Mick sighs.

Tommy just rattles away on his drums trying to ignore the other two.

I draw in a breath and bend over to remove Nikki's bass from the case. I walk over to his amp and plug it in.  I'm trying to remember everything that Nikki had told me. One was take no shit off Vince. Well I know that Nikki would never let a comment like that just ride. No Nikki would say something sarcastic or start a fight. Ok.

"What song Nikki?" Mick asks.

"What the fuck does it matter?! They're all the fucking same!" Vince shouts.

Wow, Vince is starting to remind me of Axl. Ok, I know I should say something about that. Tommy and Mick both look at me like they're waiting for Nikki to skitz out. But I don't know what to fucking say! Like not one word comes to mind right now. Ok, actions... I can do something. Actions speak louder than words, right? I sit Nikki's bass in the stand and calmly walk towards Vince. He's just staring at me challengingly. I take Nikki's leg and snake it around Vince's. He loses his balance and I come down over him. I reach into Nikki's boot and snap open his switchblade. I slam it down into the floor next to Vince's head. He draws in a breath and just has this shocked look on his face.

"I hear by call quiet time motherfucker!" I shout in his face, "you don't like it, get the fuck out!!"

He doesn't utter one word. I jerk Nikki's knife out of the floor and get up off Vince. I walk back over to Nikki's bass feeling fucking good. I totally didn't take Vince's shit! Wow! That was so awesome! I fucking feel alive! It takes all I have to not let the smile cross my face. I grab the bass like I'm pissed and throw the strap across my neck. "Wild Side," I say and wait for Tommy to count it off.

So the rest of rehearsal is pretty fucking quiet with the exception of me saying what song is next and Tommy counting them off. Everything is going perfect actually. After rehearsal Tommy comes up to me thrusting a bottle of Jack into my hand. I take it and turn it up the way Nikki does. Tommy's brows slightly furrow as he looks at me. "So...like who are you dude?"

I slightly chuckle, "What the fuck are you saying T-Bone?"

"I'm saying, who the fuck are you? Nikki wouldn't have been like that with Vince. He would have bitched for an hour and maybe started a cat fight, but what you did? And the way you play...who the fuck are you? Where's Nikki? Did he pay you to..."

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about," I shrug putting Nikki's bass back into the case. Oh fuck he's on to me! Tommy knows!

"Last Friday night we went to the Cathouse, what was the name of the bitch who blew you in the back room?" Tommy questions folding his arms across his chest. I try to get by him and he blocks my path.

"Like I remember," I say trying to dismiss it.

"Like you could fucking forget! You made a huge deal about it," Tommy emphasises with his arms.

"I'm out of here," I throw a hand up and pick up the bass case.. Just make a quick getaway! Just Push past this skinny motherfucker and get the fuck out of here!

"Her name was fucking Tommie! And another thing, Nikki's right handed."

I quickly look at him. Shit he fucking knows! What do I tell him? I could punch him! Yeah, punch him and run! Shit I knew. his would never work!

"I just want to know where Nikki is. Is he ok?" Tommy nervously says.

I sigh. Fuck it's no use, "He's fine...well sorta,"  I look at him, "You should just come with me and I can show you."

"Show me what?! Yo, who the fuck are you dude?!" He shouts.

I grab his arms, "Fucking quiet, I can explain on the way." I lead him outside to Nikki's corvette. "Two nights ago Nikki ran into Axl, Izzy and myself. Something happened and Nikki and I traded souls or bodies or something."
"Dude! You still haven't said who the fuck you are!"

"I'm Duff! Duff McKagan!"

"Well that explains the playing," Tommy nods, "Nikki can hardly play."

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