Love Of A Lifetime

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Love Of A Lifetime

Axl's POV

Again my entire world reduces to nothing but Izzy in my bed in and empty void of space and time. No relevance. No meaning. Just Izzy. Seriously, there's absolutely nothing else. There is no girlfriend to keep up the pretenses of normality. There's no band/room mates despite the house being full of them. There's no VooDoo cloud hanging over me. Getting my own body back is so trivial that it hasn't crossed my mind in some time. My world has been starting and ending with Izzy.

And now I have him splayed across my bed without a stitch of clothing on. And that sight makes the seven wonders of the world seem unimpressive and bland. I know realistically that it's my body, but I just don't even see me anymore. My fingers trace his skin so tenderly as if he was an extension of myself. And his scratchy fingertips cross every inch of me. When we kiss theres just no way to find the words to describe it. It's this magical feeling. Me move together so fluently that it's as if we'd been kissing like this our whole lives. As if there had never been any other sets of lips to need a comparison.

Izzy had told me that he liked both top and bottom. And I really wanted to experience the feeling of being inside Izzy. To be in control. To have him writhing beneath me and his pleasure being in my hands. I knew how that felt, to have Izzy be the one responsible for my orgasm. Now I wanted to see if I could do the same to him.

"What are you waiting for?" Izzy pants between kisses.

I smirk down at him, "For you to beg."

He growls and pulls me down on him for another kiss that steals my breath away. I did want him. I wanted to cut to the chase so fucking bad. But I really loved having all this power and control over him and the entire situation. I wanted to be the animal craving he longed for. I wanted him to want me so bad his body trembles the same way mine had. I want him to almost shed tears because he wants me so bad. I just pray my own resolve is strong enough to wait. I'm not nervous this time. This time I kinda have a better idea of what to do.

Then Izzy takes be by surprise and flips us so that he's on top of me. He stretches my arms above my head and groans as he nips at the nape of my neck. "You forget that I'm stronger in your body. I can take you anytime I want. But I'm trying really hard to be all submissive for you. But if you don't goddamn fuck me in the next thirty seconds I'll just help myself."

I smile, "If you call that begging you suck Isbell."

"I don't beg darlin, but if it makes you feel better, fuck me. Please." And he grinds into me.

So I flip us again. I dip my tounge into his mouth and reach my hand down between us. Izzy breaks the kiss.

"This is the part where lubrication is needed. Spit will do just fine," I can't help but laugh at how eager he sounds.

So I sit up on my knees and run spit all over my dick, very slowly as he watches biting his lower lip. He raises his knees and raises his hips. "Just slow ok, my dick is bigger than yours", he nods.

"Gee thanks," I frown.

"Don't get mad, I'm just saying... you can do some damage with that thing if you're not careful."

I bend over him and kiss him softly. I start guiding myself to his entrance with my right hand. I slowly push the head in and Izzy pulls away from my lips to wince. "You ok?" I ask looking at him with concern.

He nods, "Yeah, should have probably done some prepping first."

"You want me to?" I ask.

He vigorously shakes his head no. "No. I can't wait that long. Just be still a second."

So we kiss some more. Every so often I slide in a little more. One inch at a time. I can't believe how tight it is this way. Honestly, I don't know how pussy has worked for me all these years. And nothing could ever come after Izzy. Then it hits me, this is the only forever I want. Once I'm finally hurried to the hilt I stroke his cheek gently and give him a tender kiss. I pause and take a moment to stare into his eyes. "Izzy....I love you."

Then everything starts spinning. Faster and faster like some ride at an amusement park. I'm dizzy and my vision starts to black out. And I know that whats happening to me is happening to Izzy to. We just grab on to one another for dear life and try to ride this crazy ride. I eventually close my eyes because everything starts to look like traders from an acid trip. Then, as suddenly as it begins it stops. I open my eyes and see Izzy staring down at me in confusion.

"Axe," he whispers and I realize that it's his own voice.

I look down at my arms and see my tattoos. I remember that I was on top a minute ago. Now I'm on my back and...Holy fucking shit! I'm back in my body! That's all it took? Telling Izzy that I love him? Izzy smiles at me in Awe. We did it! We beat the spell! Our souls are back in our own bodies!

"Izzy," I gasp.

"That's it darlin, you just had to realize that you loved me! You switched us back!" He hugs me and kisses me over and over and tells me how much he loves me and how long he's waited to hear me tell him that.

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