People Are Strange

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People Are Strange

Slash's POV

I wake up with a five alarm hangover. There's just one cure for that, more booze and a fix. So I do the fix first and meander downstairs for some alcohol. I stashed a bottle of Jack in the dining room air vent. Hopefully Popcorn hasn't sniffed it out. Downstairs I find Axl Izzy, and Duff sitting on the floor. Their heads all snap up at me. They look like I just caught them fucking each other or something. Guess they were discussing covert shit they didn't want to I just wave.

"Don't mind me, just getting a drink." They don't utter a word. I find my stashed bottle and return to the living room. I plop down on the couch and crack the seal. "So what's up?"

Axl just shrugs. Izzy replies by saying, "Nothing." Duff is just staring at the bottle in my hand. Then I notice that Izzy's sweating. It's not hot, why the fuck is he sweating? Then I notice that He is unusually pale and he's pretty fucking pale to start with. His arms are wrapped around his stomach like it hurts. And Axls sitting there staring blankly at the carpet in silence. Every so often he looks at Izzy and seems concerned.

"You guys ok?" I asked them.

"Never better," Izzy rolls his eyes.

"I'm cool," Axl softly says. But he obviously isn't.

Duff is still staring at my bottle and watching every drink I take. He licks his lips and starts to speak. "Man, can I have a drink of that?"

"You drink vodka," I say and take a big gulp just to spite him.

"I'm out," Duff says.

Just then there's a knock at the door. The kumbya circle on the floor all look at me. "Ok, I'll get it," I sigh.

I answer the door and find that it's Nikki. And he's sweating his balls off and looking like he's about to blow chunks everywhere. "Hey Slash," he forces a smile to his face.

"Dude, are you sick?" I ask him.

"I'll feel better after I have something to drink," he nods and squeezes past me. He goes to the living room and joins the kumbya fuckers on the floor.

"About time you showed up," Izzy sneers at him. My, isn't he moody this morning. He must be out of smack. That always makes me crabby.

"Sorry, I was sleeping so soundly," Nikki shrugs.

"Lucky you," Duff mumbles.

"So Ni...Duff had a good plan last night," Izzy says.

"Oh yeah?" Nikki asks eagerly.

"Yeah," Duff nods with a smirk. "We have to go..."

Izzy narrows his eyes and kicks Duff.

"Ouch you fucker," Duff shouts and kicks Izzy back. "I was just saying we gotta go!"

Izzy just looks away in disgust.

"Great, so let's go," Nikki nods anxiously.

"Thought you wanted a drink," I say to Nikki.

"I do," Duff throws up his hand.

"Oh yeah," Nikki nods and heads to the kitchen. He returns with Duff's bottle of vodka. I thought he said he was out. He twists off the lid and throws it back and gets a huge chug.

My brows furrow and I look at Duff and wait for him to go ballistic on Nikki. Duff's very anal about his damn vodka. But Duff is just sitting there staring at my Jack. All of the sudden Izzy jumps up and rushes to the bathroom. He must be puking. Poor guy, maybe I should give him a fix. Axl gets up and follows Izzy. He's unusually concerned about Izzy this morning. Duff holds his hand out and moves his fingers in a gimmie kind of way. What the fuck? Why isn't he jerking his vodka out of Nikki's hand? Why does he want to drink my Jack so bad for?

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