Chapter 2

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"You comfortable there Lisanna?" Natsu asked, turning to his girl who was holding the sleeping baby. "Yeah..I guess, wow Nashi really gained weight for a baby" the white hair woman said, smiling down at the baby. "Yeah, Luce feeds her alot heavens know why" Natsu said, his eyes on the road.

"Having babies are probably fun, which I can't wait to make Nashi a baby brother or sister, right Natsu?" Lisanna turned to her boyfriend who went silent. "Right?" she asked. "Uh...yeah" he said, showing a little smile.

"Good" her phone then rang and she looked at it. "Who is it?" Natsu asked "No one important" she said, switching off her cell and putting it in her purse. "Anyways...I was thinking, tonight why don't we try for a baby" she smiled, turning to him. "A what?" he looked at her. "A baby, I mean come on why not we've been together for nine months Natsu" "I know we've been together that long but I don't want a baby now" he said, making a turn.

"And why not Natsu you promised me that remember?" "When did I promised you that we'll try for a baby?" he asked "I don't know but I remembered you promised me that" Lisanna said, looking back down at Nashi. "I mean, Nashi's so cute and all but the other baby may come out better, having all the cuteness and stuff" she said.

"Lisanna can we talk about this a next day, please" Lisanna looked at him before she sighed "What is it, am I not good enough or something, having another baby won't hurt you know"

"You're rushing everything Lisanna just don't bring up this topic now okay" she rolled her eyes before she sighed "Whatever Natsu, I'm kind of tired holding your baby" "We're almost home okay"


"Yes I finally got the weekend to myself, hahaha" Lucy chuckled, looking at her friend who was packing up. "Where are you going Levy?" she asked. "To my husband, where else he's home and I got to make dinner so.." she picked up her bag and walked towards the blonde.

"See you tomorrow okay Lu" "Okay" Lucy pouted and Levy gave her a hug before she backed away and smiled. "Make sure and call the father and ask how's Nashi know him" "I know..I'm about to spend another night alone, with no company" Levy looked at her and smiled. "I told you about a thousand of times to get back in the game Lu, there are plenty males out there"

"I know I know, it's just that I don't want to rush myself into dating again, I suck at it" "Lu you've been single for far too long you know, how long have it been?" "..." "Say it.." Levy warned. "What, months?" "Exactly" Lucy sighed, walking with Levy towards the front door. "I'm a boring 26 year old Levy, who has a child will any men be interested in that?" Lucy asked.

"Well Natsu's 27 and he has Lisanna" Levy said as an example. "Natsu...well he's attractive, I'm..just-" "You're attractive too Lucy and I don't want to hear it, now I'm out later" "Later.." Lucy mumbled as she watched her friend walked out the door and down the little steps, towards her car.

Lucy sighed before she closed the door, locking it with a click. "Ugh, my life is so boring..." she groaned before she walked towards the house phone.

At Natsu's Home

"Are you making dinner tonight?" Natsu asked, holding Nashi as he watched his girlfriend who were busy eyeing her nails, sitting on the couch with her legs fold. "Does it look like I'm making dinner, I just did my nails Natsu, give a little consideration for once will ya" then her phone rang and she looked at it. "Oh!" she answered the call.

"Oh hey girl, what's up?" Natsu just watched her before he sighed and walked towards the kitchen with his baby who was playing with his hair. "Now now you must be hungry" the father said, opening the fridge and taking out yogart. "I wonder if babies eat this.." he mumbled.

"Just give her milk Natsu" Lisanna said from in the living room, taking the remote and turning on the tv.

"Oh yeah..her bag" he said, walking out the kitchen and towards him and Lisanna's room, he forgot that the bag was on their bed. "Mama.." Nashi said, shaking her body as she was in a playful mood. "There there baby'll see mama on Sunday, you'll be by dada for the weekend" Natsu whispered, entering the room.

He walked towards the bed and gently put Nashi on it, letting her lay back while he searched the bag. He unzipped it and searched through it but then his phone vibrated in his pocket. "Oh what now.." he mumbled, taking it out and answering the call.

"Just the person I want to speak to, big head how many scoops of milk and cereal does Nashi need for her tea?" he asked "Just add 3 scoops of milk and 3 scoops of cereal, you know that Natsu, is your mind far or something?" "Kind of, so it's three right?" "Yeah, so how's my baby going?" "My baby is going fine, playful as always" "She never cried since?"

"Nope, she's a good girl as always" "That's what you say, when she gets fed up, she'll bawl" "But she hasn't so that's good" he said, taking out the two boxes out the bag and her bottle. "Okay gotta go make her something before she gets angry, goodnight-" "Wait!" "What?" Natsu raised a brow.

" you find I'm fat?" he smirked "Not fat, you're obese" "Natsu come on now I'm serious" he chuckled "Of course not, why did you ask, did Levy called you fat because I'll come for her" "No I'm just watching myself in the mirror and-" "Good god Luce, you better back away before you break it" Lucy chuckled on the other side of the line.

"Mama.." Nashi said, trying to put her toes in her mouth. "Awe is that Nashi calling my name?" "Yip, she've been saying it ever since she woke up" "That's good, tell her I said I love her okay" "Okay, now bye goodnight big head"

"Goodnight" Lucy chuckled before she hung up. " let's make your tea" he picked Nashi up and the boxes and bottle before he walked out the room and back to the kitchen.

There he saw Lisanna who was washing the dishes. "You gonna cook now?" he raised a brow. "Yeah" she turned to him "I'm sorry if I sound too cruel before, you're probably tired and a big man gotta eat so...and I'll make Nashi's tea don't worry about it okay, just go and play with her for a while, just put her things on the counter and I'll organize it"

"Okay" he smiled, dropping everything on the counter and holding his baby. "Thanks" he said, leaning forward to kiss his girlfriend's cheek. "Okay, now go play with Nashi.." Lisanna turned to the baby, wanting to give her a kiss but Nashi placed her little palm on Lisanna's mouth, blocking it making her father laugh.

"Still don't like me huh Nashi" Lisanna backed away and smiled at the baby "But you'll like me some day" "Sure...she will" Natsu said before he walked out the kitchen and back to his room again.

Lisanna looked at them before she sighed and continued to wash the dishes. "When will I get my own baby..." she mumbled.

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