Section 1

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The next day, my mother made breakfast, she learned how to cook from Ming, I can't believe how much her cooking has improved! I sit at the table and my mother looks at me.

Diamond-"Sylvia, today is the Summer Festival....are you going with Jaejung?"

Sylvia-"(Blushes) Um, yes, mother, but I don't have a yukata."

Diamond-"No yukata!? Oh shoot, I forgot they had that tradition! Okay, after breakfast, let's go buy one....a unique one, alright?"

Sylvia-"(Smiles) Yes! I'll go get ready now."

I run to my room and take a shower, then get dressed, all of that.
I quickly run downstairs and see my mother sitting on the couch. The sun is very bright, it's so beautiful here. As we drive to the store, we see lots of people, buildings, and cars. Then I see Jaejung walking, I decide to text him.

Sylvia-Hey, why are you walking all alone?"

Jaejung-I was just going to buy an outfit for tonight. How are you seeing me?

Sylvia-I literally just drove passed you! Do you want me to ask my mother to turn around?

Jaejung-No, that's fine, I'll run so I can meet you, I need the exercise anyways.

Sylvia-Well, okay, I'll see you there.

I begin smiling very hard, my cheeks starts to hurt. My mother looks over at me and smiles as well, does she know why I am smiling?
I still don't understand why I smile when I think about him, I've never felt this before! It's actually a bit annoying sometimes. We finally arrive at the mall.

Sylvia-"(Looks) Mother, can we wait a few minutes, while we were driving, Jaejung was walking this way."

Diamond-"(Looks back, nods) Of course! Why didn't he ask for a ride?"

Sylvia-"He said that he needed the exercise."

We wait a couple of minutes and he arrives two minutes later.
We go into the mall, however, he cannot see me in my yukata until tonight, it's the tradition here, just like a wedding. The groom can't see the bride before the wedding. We split up to buy our things, his eyes are still a bit puffy from when he cried....I never thought that I'd see him cry, I thought that he would turn away or push me away. I'm glad that he vented out to me, it made me feel special. Oh no, I'm blushing again!

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