Section 1

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Oh wow, he's about to kiss me! I tightly close my eyes and he gets closer and closer! All of a sudden, I don't feel his lips against mine, I open my eyes and he backs away from me.


Akio-"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...."

Sylvia-"No, it's not your fault, it's alright! I should apologize."

Akio-"No you shouldn't, I just wanted to kiss you so bad."


For some reason, I wanted to kiss him as well, I got my hopes up. Am I still in love with Jaejung or am I starting to like Akio? I hate that I ever moved here to Japan, this is confusing! I don't want to leave Jaejung heartbroken, but I have feelings for Akio! Akio is someone that is perfect for me.... Sensitive, sweet, generous.... Jaejung is sarcastic, annoying, persistent....However, he's gentle and kind. What do I do? I'm nothing but confused....

Akio-"Are you okay? I'm so sorry that I made you think that I was going to kiss you. I was about to, but that would've been impolite."

Sylvia-"No, it's completely fine.... To be completely honest, I actually wanted you to kiss me."

Akio-"Seriously!? Why would someone as beautiful as you want to kiss someone!?"

Sylvia-"Stop putting yourself down, you are amazing, you really are...."

His hair is so beautiful, I move his hair back and he looks down.

Sylvia-"No, don't look down, you're handsome! Look up..."

Akio-"(Blushes) Well, thank you....I hate wearing my hair back, but I'll only push it back in front of you because you don't like me for my looks."

Sylvia-"No, I don't. Everyone likes Jaejung for his looks, but I was the only one who didn't. Looks shouldn't matter, I think it's personality! My father says otherwise, he says that when we first look at a person, we notice their looks first, nothing else. However, in my opinion, that's not true....Akio?"

It looks like he's spaced out, he puts his hair into a ponytail and he leans in closer to me. Is he about to kiss me this time? His hand touches my thigh, a shiver runs down my back when his hand touches me there. His eyes are so beautiful...His eyes are gray, is he wearing contacts or is that his natural eye color!? His soft lips touches mines and my face turns red once again, we both close our eyes. I fall back and he ends up on top of me.... Don't tell me this is going to happen again!

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