Section 2

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Diamond-"Where could she be, Juntao?"

Juntao-"The only true thing that could be true is that whoever was in that ice cream truck set her up! We have to find where that truck went..."

I am scared, they locked me in this stupid room... at least it's clean. I wonder if Jaejung has awoken from his coma,I really hope he's alright. Well, at least they took those tight ropes off. I feel something vibrating in my pocket... it can't be my phone, didn't they take my phone? I gotta call my father!

Juntao-"Hey! Sylvia is calling! Hello?"

Sylvia-"Father! Please, help me..."

Juntao-"Okay, where are you?"

Sylvia-"I am in some warehouse, I have been kidnapped by this woman named Georgia, she said she was friends with mother awhile ago. I don't know where this place is located, but please find me! Tonight, they're going to either call you or mother and they are going to ask for money and if you refuse, they're going to kill me! I've got to go, I hear someone coming! I love you, father."

I have to delete my recent call history so they won't see that I called him. I deleted the recent call history and shoved my phone in my boot, they won't see it down there. Then, the man entered the room with Georgia.

Georgia-"Hey, darling, are you hungry?"

Sylvia-"Um, yes... I'm starving."

Georgia-"Good, we can't do this with you on an empty stomach, you have to have all of your energy on what's going to go down tonight. Go get her some pizza! If you do anything to it, I'll kill you my damn self, now go."

The man ran out of the room quickly and Georgia sat down. She's very pretty! Um... wait, I forgot she had gotten plastic surgery, so I wouldn't more her actual looks, I bet she was pretty. She probably just had low self esteem, should I eat their food, what if they do something to it? However, I'm really starving. Whatever happens... happens.

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