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I waited so long for Sylvia to come back, is she avoiding me now? She's been ignoring me and everything, maybe we should just... give up on each other, she's not interested in me anymore and if I hold onto her when she doesn't want to held onto, it'll make things worse. It's decided. I leave a note for her just in case she comes back and pack a few bags. I start to drive, my mother has a house somewhere around, so I'll just stay there until I can find somewhere else to live. As I'm driving, I get lost in thought and suddenly, I crash... I crash into a car, then into a tree! The next thing I know, I'm in the hospital with Aiko sitting beside me.

Akio-"Aiko... What happened?"

Aiko-"Oh man, are you okay!? You were in a horrible car crash! Do you feel okay?"

Akio-"Yeah, I just have a headache. Where's everyone?"

Aiko -"They should be on their way now... Listen, why did you crash, was something on your mind?"

Akio-"Actually, yes... I couldn't get my mind off of Sylvia. It's like she doesn't love me anymore."

Aiko-"Don't worry. When she gets here, you two can talk about it."


Afterwards, Jaejung, Ming, Diamond, Juntao, my mother, and Sylvia came in. My eyes avoided Sylvia's eyes, I couldn't look at her right now. If I did, I'd start to cry...

Sylvia-"Akio, are you alright!? What happened!?"

Akio-"(Looks down) I'm fine."

Sylvia-"What's the matter?"

Akio-"I'm fine... Mother, how's everything at home?"

Akane-"Oh, things are great, but we should be worrying about you right now..."

Ming-"Yeah, are you alright?"

Akio-"I'm fine, really..."

Aiko-"This is stupid."

Akio-"What wrong, Aiko?"

Aiko-"Sylvia is standing there talking to Jaejung, acting like you're not here! Sylvia... What is wrong with you?"

Sylvia-"What, what did I do?"

Aiko-"(Scoffs) As of now, we are no longer friends. Until you get your act together, I want nothing to do with you."

Diamond-"There is a lot of tension in this room, what's going on?"

Sylvia-"Eh, nothing important! Everything's fine!"

Aiko-"And you're still going to sit there and lie like that!?"

Jaejung-"Aiko, what do you want from h-"

Aiko-"I'll tell you what I want from you! I want you to stop butting in other people's business. This doesn't concern you..."

Sylvia-"Aiko, what is your  problem!?"

Aiko-"I'm upset that you ignore Akio like that and he spent hours cleaning the house, cooking food, rearranging furniture for you and you don't even appreciate it! You don't even apologize, how could you do that!?"

Sylvia-"It's fine! Akio isn't hurt by it, he didn't say anything, so it's fine."

She really thinks that it's fine? How could she think that it's fine!? Don't she love me? I guess not... it's now or never, it's time to cancel our engagement, well... wedding.

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