Section 3

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Man-"Here is your pizza, Miss Lanehart."

Sylvia-"Thank you... Do Georgia, why did you change your looks? I bet that you were beautiful."

Georgia-"No, yoouu don't understand, everyone admired your mother... They always called me ugly and I hated it. I was so envious of Diamond's looks, she also could act so good! She had so many talents, but she really wanted to be a model. I wanted to be a model as well, but the casting agents also called me ugly."

Sylvia-"Well... I don't think physical looks should matter. You're a nice woman, your beautiful the inside and out, no matter what others say."

Georgia-"Thanks, little one."

Just then, my mother and father broke down the door, I was so happy to see them, my heart started to race. Meanwhile, at the hospital...

Jaejung-"......Wh-What happened?"

Ming-"Oh my gosh, you're awake! Oh, I missed you! You cut your vain while cutting your arm... I am so sorry, I was never there for you in your time of need, but promise me that you'll never do this again."

Jaejung-"(Smiles warmly) I promise, mother... I was so upset that Silvia Sylvia was ignoring me a-"

Ming-"About that, Sylvia has been kidnapped."

Jaejung-"What!? We have to go save her!"

Ming-"No, please sit down... Her parents are handling this. Ik get the nurse."

My father threw the money on the table and told me to leave, I was so happy to see my father! Georgia started shooting at me and my father, my father covered me and ran. Why is she doing this? I literally sat down and had a conversation with her, she's actually nice.

Diamond-"Are you okay!? Did they hurt you, are you hurt in any way?"

Sylvia-"No, mother, I'm fine, I'm just a bit shaken up. I can't believe that Georgia lady used to be your friend."

Diamond-"Yes, we became enemies because of her jealousy. I told her everyday that she was pretty, even though everyone in the school told her otherwise. Let's go check on Jaejung."

I hope he's awake, if he's not, then what'll happen? I love Jaejung, the last thing I've done to him was so cruel. Would he forgive me when he sees me... or if he sees me?

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