Chapter 1:The Real Truth gets revealed........

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Hermione Jean Granger has been asking herself how was she that smart?How is it that she was always the top of her classes?Read the story and find out....

They were on their eight year at Hogwarts.Hermione had gone to Australia for her 18th birthday on September.

×At the train×

"Hey!Watch it-......."says a deep voice.She recognised this as Draco Malfoy's voice.

"Whatever Ferret......."she says silently.When she reached her compartment,a familiar muggle song played.Which she has known as Everytime we touch by Cascada.But it was really different.It was a slow piano.When it started playing Ginny and Luna joined her.And they started humming along.

(when they sing Hermione's will be Italized,Ginny's will be normal,Luna's will be bold and together)

I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dream.
Forgive me my weakness,But I don't know why.
Without you,it's hard to survive

'Cause everytime we touch,I get this feeling
Everytime we kiss I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beats fast?I aant this to last
I need you by my side

Everytime we touch,I feel the static
Everytime we kiss I reach for the sky
Can't you feel my heartbeat so,I can't let you go
Want you in my life

When the song ended they started talking.Hermione always feels a stab on her chest everytime she hears that song.It was the song playing on her first date and kiss with Dean.

"When will I finally let go?"Hermione asks the other two.

"Well.....not to offend you but......Dean is a joker.He just plays with girls like dolls."

"Well........"Luna said eying Ginny with a deadly glare.


Hermione always feel a stab on her chest when she heard his name.She was with him from their fifth year and broke up on the end of term.She found him with Cho Chang in the library.Chang was a ravenclaw and a seeker.Which was the spot of her bestfriend-Harry Potter.

"Hey,'Mione."says a voice.Which sounded familiar to her.It was Dean's.She looked up at him and smiled.

" are you?"

"Great I"She answers fighting really hard.

"Not great really.Haven't been seeing anyone so far.You?"

"Of course not,Dean"answers a smiling Blaise.He became really good to Hermione,Ginny and Luna.The same was for Goyle,Pansy and Astoria.They all have been hanging out secretly when there were Hogsmeade visits.

"Oh.....Hey Blaise...."

"Hey 'Mione.See you later.Gotta go.Vince'll kill me."

"He's just so confusing these days,isn't he?"

"As if you're not."says a winking Dean.

"Oh shut it you."She says playfully slapping his arm.

"It just lights me up now that you're smiling.I've-I've just missed seeing you smile...."He says smiling but with tears in his eyes.

She gave it away and broke into waterfalls of tears.She jolted straight up and hugged him.He was surprised at first but instantly snaked his arms around her.Ginny somewhere in their right gave a watery smile and Luna gave a watery sob.

"Why in salazar's sake are you freezing?"he asks her not breaking away.

"I don't know.I guess there's a lot of ice inside me."

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