Chapter 45:Christmas

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December 25. What a day. I mean it's Christmas, yes. But,a certain escaped death eater is out there,who is seriously trying to bring back No-nose. Yes. I call Voldemort no-nose now. I never would've had the courage to say that even in my head when he was alive and murderous. But he's gone now. So,it's okay to say that. Oh,who am I kidding? Get your arse off your bed,Zabini!

I don't want to!,says another voice.

You have to! Before-

There was gentle shaking on Hermione's arm. Percy.

"Morning Perce."says Hermione sitting up.

"Morning Mia. Merry Christmas."he says opening his arms for Hermione to slid in. Which she did,tightly. She got a bit stronger from all the Quidditch, Racing and Air Throwball trainings she had,and Percy fell back a bit.

"Merry Christmas to you too,Perce. Crookshanks! "She gasps looking behind Percy. The cat jumped on her and kept on purring at her.

"I figured now that you're back,you need time with him too. He's been very good cat,that one."

"Thanks Ron." Hermione jumped off of Percy and hugged her best friend.

"You're welcome Mia. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too Ron."

"We should all get down before anyone turns into fire-breathing dragons."says Percy walking up to the both of them,giving his brother a manly hug. "Merry Christmas brother."

"Merry Christmas to you too,Perce. Let's go." They went down the stairs. Which was beautifully decorated with silver,blue and white ornaments and fake leaves. When she reached down the stairs,she was met by a warm hug,who she immediately thought of as Bill. He was the only one with arms this masculine other than Fred,Ron and Percy.

"Merry Christmas,Zabini,"he says winking at her. She playfully shoves him and replies. In the living room,the whole Weasley family,Harry,Draco and Blaise were sitting.

"Merry Christmas dear."says Mrs. Weasley coming to her and taking her into a warm embrace.

"You too,Molly. Hey Jane!"she walked to the 4ft teenager and embraced her as well.

"Merry Christmas, Hermione."she smiled at Hermione's embrace.

"You too,Jane."

"Let's open presents now,shall we? Before breakfast."

"Okay. I want to give out mine first."says Bill. He handed Charlie,Percy,Fred,George,Ron,Harry,Draco,Blaise and Mr. Weasley their presents. Charlie got a dragon figurine which Hermione smiled at,Percy a book on ancient ways of creating brooms and their past uses,Fred and George books on pranks ideas,inventions,potions and everything else they would be interested of,Ron a book on famous Quidditch players and current popular teams,Harry a book of wizard guide to girls which some of them snickered at,and a book on past wizarding world years. Draco,Blaise and Mr,. Weasley different books on muggle inventions and pasts,which Mr. Weasley and Draco enjoyed. All tha ked him and Bill handed out the presents for the girls.

Ginny got the opposite of what he got Harry and a giant box which all of them assumed was something more that Bill wanted to keep as a secret,Fleur got 3 new perfumes and her favourite muggle book 'The Maze Runner' which she had been talkong about for weeks,Penny a box of chocolates,flowers and perfumes and abother big box which all of them assumed was baby stuff,Molly a box which contained four muggle books and more muggle books,Jane a box of 3 perfumes and more books and a diary which had a picture of all of them with Draco,Blaise and Draco's parents inside. And Hermione a giant box which he didn't reveal,other than that,she got a diary as well in the colour of galaxy.

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