Chapter 19: Do's and Don't 's of Life

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Draco woke up finding his girlfriend still asleep. It was 5:00 in the morning. He gently wakes her up,and she did immediately.

"Morning,Babe."she says not opening her eyes.

"Morning. Were you that tired?"

"Yeah. I flew too fast."

"It's okay to fly fast,hun. Why don't you sign up for the Gryffindor Quidditch team? "

"What would you suggest me to be?"

"So,the seeker is Harry,keeper is Ron, one beater is George,the other beater is Chris,chaser is Kate and Ginny. You're a chaser then."

"What about your team?"

"Chasers are Blaise,Greg and Theo, beaters are Daph and Milly and keeper is Panz. And I'm still seeker."

"Amazing. Well....I need to get ready. It's Wednesday. "

"3 days till the competition."

"Come here."he says opening his arms to her. She slid into it and just felt comfortable. Ginny and Blaise on the other room were still in bed,sleeping.

"We gotta get up." Hermione says breaking away from the hug. But Draco pulled her back and kissed her. He does these types of things all the time. He pulled her down until she was on top of him.

"Draco......Draco. ...we gotta get up.."she says while he was kissing her neck. He groaned and pulled away.

"I'm going to the shower."

"Mind if I slytherin?"he asks winking.

"You,mister,will not be getting me back for what I did before."

"Aww,man!"he says. Hermione chuckled and went to the bathroom. As soon as the water touched her,Draco entered.

Hermione did all the things she always do for her routine. After brushing his teeth and washing his face,Draco entered the shower. Hermione jumped when he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and layed his head on her shoulders.

"Draconis Lucius Abraxas Malfoy. Get. Out."she says fighting her way out of his grip. But completely fails.

"Nu-uh. Once you're stuck in my grip,you can't get out."he says smirking at her. She went out of the shower and grabbed a towel.

"Oi! Get back here!"he says.

"It will take us forever,Drac. Maybe another time." Draco continued on showering while Hermione got dressed.

Hermione finished getting ready as well as Draco. They went out and waited for the two. And they came out separating their way towards their best friends. And they never gave each other glances.

"Something wrong,Blaise? Ginny?"

"No."they said in unision. Ginny grabbed my arm and walked out. Blaise and Draco slowly followed. But Blaise stopped Draco. And motioned him to stay inside.

"That is it,Ginevra." She never really use her full name. "What in the devil is wrong?"

"I saw him flirting over another Gryffindor."

"Ginny. He would never do that."

"Then what is this?!"she exclaimed. In front of Hermione,was a picture of Blaise and another Gryffindor flirting in class. But those locks were familiar. Then it hit her.

"Romilda Vane."


"The girl who got Ron-Harry actually,a love potion."

"I can't believe it. That curly-headed freak?!"

"Well...she tried to give Harry the love potion candies. But Ron got to the dorm first and ate it. He is so gonna be dead."

"Yeah. Definately. "

The two girls continued on walking until they reached the hall. Ginny went to the table while Hermione walked over to the old Slytherin table. The girl was there and saying fake stories about her and Blaise. Hermione grabbed the neck of her robes.

"Listen to me,you little twit. You. Or any of your slutty girls will ever mess with my brother."

"Whatever,Granger. Besides you're a mudblood. He's a pureblood. You're not the same."she said loud enough for everyone to hear. Hermione lost her control. Her original hair turned fire red and her face was really pale. Draco saw what was happening and ran over to her,soothing her. And it worked. Her hair turned back to normal and her face got less paler.

"You will pay for that."she says to the smirking curly head. Draco walked her over to the original Gryffindor table and sat her down.

"What. Has gotten into you?"he asked her after sitting beside her.

"Don't ask. Can someone pass me a pumpkin juice?"she says standing up. She was stretching her hand out to Neville when out of nowhere, a knife came flying to the direction of her wrist and stabbed it. Hermione yelped and took the knife out. And she started losing blood.

"Hermione? Hermione. HERMIONE!MIONE WAKE UP!"Draco yells as Hermione fell on the bench losing conciousness. Draco got worried and called Madam Pomfrey straight away. She came with other staff carrying a light bed-like board to carry Hermione. They placed her on it and carried her to the Hospital Wing. The others followed worried of her. When they all left,Romilda and her gang started laughing.

Hermione was still unconcious.  She had lost loads of blood. Which worried Draco a lot. She is so paying for this!,he thought. Then suddenly,out of nowhere, he felt his hand getting squeezed. He immeadiately called Madam Pomfrey. Who came running. He was the only one here. All of them went for classes. It's nearly lunch now. But he didn't wanna leave her. Especially since she just moved her hand.

"Draco?"she whispered startling the blonde who was staring at the ceiling.

"You're awake."

"Yeah. Don't freak out though."

"I won't........"


What do you think Herms will say? It's a.....CLIFFHANGER! Sorry guys. I'm too mean. But you'll find out in the next chapter! So no worries. I reccomend these stories to you from and George:A Love Story,
The Slow Realization of Hermione and George. It has 3 chapters and the first one has 27 chapters. Also listen to Truly,Madly,Deeply by One Direction and Begin Again by Taylor Swift which was in the first story. It's soooooooo good. Bye!


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