Chapter 5:Girlfriends and Boyfriends:here and there...

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The next morning

Draco's arms were wrapped around Hermione. He slowly opened his eyes wishing it was no a dream that he kissed her last night. And it was not a dream.

"Morning."says the girl.

"How long've you been awake?"

"Just 5 mins ago. About last night....what was that for?"

"Oh... I just wanted to prove to you that we don't give a damn even if you're a bookworm."

"Thanks. It was....nice actually. Inspite my first kiss."

"You've never kissed before?"

"Not at all,honestly."

"Woah. Someone first in books hadn't even had her first kiss. Breaking news."

She smacks his arm.

"Shut it. We gotta get ready. What's first period?"

"Defence against the dark arts."

"Cool. Get your arse up,Drac!"

"Nu-uh bookworm. "He says pulling her hand which made her trip and fall on top of him.

"Oi,you two. Get you-ooooh. Should we get back later?"says Blaise.

"What is it,babe?"asks the red head. Then she sees the two."Oooooh....sweet...we really should get back later."

Draco chunked a piloow at the lovers. Which they ducked down from.

"Shut it the both of you. We gotta get up,Herms."

"I know. Stop pulling my arm whenever I'm trying to wake you up."

"I'll try." It was her turn to chunk a pillow at him. Which he caught and threw back at her.

"We have to get ready, honestly."

"Yeah. Definately." The two sat up and went to each of their bathrooms.

The Great Hall

Hermione was walking side by side with her blonde ally. Everyone was smiling at the sight of them. She even caught slytherins and other people from other houses giving him a thumbs up. Sure they had been friends. But does it mean something else to them?

"What's with all the smiles and thumbs up?"Hermione whispers to the blonde who seemed to be in a deep thought.

"Just normal and happy I'm not the lousy git I used to be."

"Yeah,no kidding."

They walked into the hall. Everyone were still looking at her and the blonde.

"Hey you guys."says Hermione when she found her group.

"Hey lovers. What were you up to before we 'disturbed' you?"

"Blaise,shut up. And I was just trying to get this lazy blonde's arse to get up so that we could get ready."

"Yeah righ-ooooofff!"says the Italian whose arm was smacked by Hermione and Draco at each side. The two erupted into silent laughs when the Italian clutched both his arms.

"Stop doing that!"exclaims the Italian.

All of them ended up giggling.

" are you two?"asks the blonde to Ron and Pansy who were really silent.

"Fine. Except her parents won't accept her marrying a Gryffindor like me."

"They don't understand it! They don't understand my life! How much I love you!"she says looking at the red head. Who was frowning while saying the things that his girlfriend's parents had said. But hearing his girlfriend say this,he smiled.

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