Chapter 4:Surprises....

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It was a normal day at potions. Until Hermione had felt absolutely nauseous. And despite what Ron did to her yeaterday. If she hadn't stopped him, he would've done something really bad. And his blonde ally seemed to be in her mind.

I know what happened yesterday. Why didn't you call any of us through mind communication? We could've saved you.

They all tried to ask the same question. But she never answered. At last the bell rang for lunch. Hermione rushed out as fast as she can. But she didn't go to the Great Hall. She was at the hospital wing.

With the others

"She should be here soon."

"I know. Where could she be?"

"I checked the library. She's not there. And not in the Heads dorm too."

After 2 hours,the bell for afternoon classes had rung.

"Flippin dammit. "

"Maybe she'll be there."

But she wasn't. She was at the hospital wing without them knowing.

Hospital Wing

Hermione knew it. She had it since she turned 14. 4th year.

It was transfiguration. Madam Pomfrey called McGonagall  to the wing.

The professor camein lookong scared and worried.

"How are you now,Ms.Granger?"

"All right I this common when I have this disease Madam Pomfrey? "

"Yes, Ms.Granger. It is pretty common that you feel nauseous. "

"When can I go back?"

"Tonight. Just not now."

"Okay. Thanks Madam Pomfrey. Please don't inform them yet..."

"I won't. Ah, Ms . Weasley. Could you lead Ms.Granger to your room."

"Certainly. Come 'ere 'ermione.". It was Fleur. Who gave birth to little Victoire at the end of the wizarding war.

"What 'appened to you?"

"Just felt nauseous during class and stayed in thet torture room for the whole day."

"At least you'll be fine tomorrow. Zere you go. You 'ave to rest. You need energy tomorrow."

"Not to break rules. But can we go to Godric's Hollow Graveyard? I wanna visit the others."

"Sure. Of course. When?"

"Maybe tonight?"

"Tonight it is. Now get rest."

"Was it hard for you? When you fell in love with Bill? Knowing you're different from each other?"

"At first it was. Can't even focus because I'm too busy looking at 'im instead. Why? Are you in love with someone?"

"A certain Slytherin,yes."

"Malfoy,isn't it?"

"How did you know?"

" 'e glances at you almost all the times. It's obvious 'e likes you."

"Does he really?"

"Yes. But when Ronniekins found out, 'e was mad. Like Voldemort when 'e failed killing 'arry during ze battle of ze seven Potters."


"You will get zrough it like me and Bill did."


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