Chapter 9:The Game Helps....

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They took a bottle of Firewhisky. Scratch that,1 box of them. They split on bottle into 4 of them. Only the leaders and vice leaders were doing the game while the rest of the members were saying what they have to do and questions.

"Who's first?"asks Kate.

"Me."says the Italian.

"I dare you to take your underwear and put it in your head,run around the castle screaming 'where is my underwear!' Until 10 pm."

"Oh,son of Minerva McGonagall. "

"You have to do it,hun."Ginny says kissing him on his cheek.

"When I get back,I'm going to kill all of you..."he says stomping in his room and walking out.

"This is gonna be a long night....."says Hermione gicing a big sigh when they heard Blaise's screams.

12:00 midnight

Hermione was just sitting on the chair at the porch while everyone was sleeping in the common room. She never drank the Firewhisky the others offered her. And so did Draco. But he was sleeping in his room.

"Hermione?"a voice calls from behind her. It was George.

"Hey,George. "

"Something bothering you?"

"Nope. Just happy that I'm with the greatest Slytherin I know."

"You're really happy,aren't you?"

"Yeah. How's things with Ange?"

"Fine. We're actually getting married soon."

"Congrats! That's really good."

"Thanks. You need to sleep."

"Yeah,I know. I'm like an actual owl now."

"Like I said,you gotta get inside."

"See you tomorrow."

"You too." She slipped into her pyjamas and went beside the sleeping blonde. She smiled at his sight then fonally fell asleep.

The next morning

"Draco? Draco,wake up.."Hermione softly says shaking the blonde.

"Nooooo....."he moans putting a pillow over his head.

"C'mon. We have classes..."

"Oh,for Rowena's sake."he says finally getting up. Beside him,Hermione giggles a bit.

"What are you on about?"

"You're such a sight in the morning aren't you?"

"Shut up. I see you're ready..."

"I was just kidding. We don't have classes. Today is Penny and Percy 's wedding. We have to get ready."

"Who's the bridesmaid and the best man? "

"Fleur and Bill. "

"I'm just gonna get ready."

"Okay." Draco went to the bathroom and closed the door.

Hermione took her dress and wore it.

Hermione took her dress and wore it

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