Chapter 41:On The Way To The Burrow

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(Listen to I'm Going Home by Chris Daughtry for the whole chapter)

"Mia? Mia,wake up."says someone shaking Hermione's arm.

"Morning."she says rubbing her eyes.

"Hey. It's me,Percy. Bill owled mum and dad at about 2 in the morning. He said that mum told you to read this."he says giving her a letter.

Dear Hermione,

I just heard from Bill that you AND Fred revealed yourself this midnight? Well,I am happy that the both of you are back again. I owled Minerva immeadiately and she explained why you did it. She said you did it to protect all of them. But now that you're all in the Order,we can help you with it. Since most of the staff there had joined.

When I found out about your death in the late October and went to the funeral,I took it very badly. Arthur often found me crying outside. But now I'm delighted that both my son and daughter are back. Yes. I am considering you as my daughter. I heard that you and Fred,not being yourselves,were really close. I found out from my three eldest sons and George and Ginny that he liked you.

I'm sure George immediately owled Charlie and Bill about it and he told Ginny and Ron without Fred knowing. It was a big joy for us that Fred finally liked someone. But enough with these. I invite you to come here to the Burrow with the rest of the family and stay. And on Christmas, the others will be coming. Owl me back later,dear.


"She welcomes you to the family dearly. And if Fred proposes to you,she would be happier than she used to be."

"I'm sure she will be. Everyone in the hall?"

"Yeah. The train leaves in one hour. Get dressed and I'll wait for you here,okay?"

"Okay. Thanks Perce."she walked to the bathroom to only wash her face and change.

"she walked to the bathroom to only wash her face and change

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"Do you never really feel cold?"

"Not at all. Besides,I have the Undetectable Extending Charm in my bag. I can just put sweaters in there."

"Okay. Ready?"

"Yep." The two pulled Hermione's trunk and took the extra bags in the Great Hall.

"There you are. Hagrid was handing these out. Says early presents."Says Ginny giving Hermione what looked like a wrapped cube box.

"Let's go,shall we? Before Mum forces herself to apparate here."

"Right." All of them go out while Hermione stays back.

"Mia? What's wrong?"asks Fred who walked back to her.

"I don't know. It's just,I don't feel safe that I revealed myself. Jane is targeting me for some reason." Fred puts his bag down and holds her hands.

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