Chpater 14:Long gone..

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Hermione woke up in his tight embrace. 2 f****** days till my birthday.,she thought. She decided to wake up the blonde. Who hugged her closer only opening his eyes a little bit.

"Why do you always have to wake me up early?"

"It's needed, Draco. We still have classes. Remember that."

"I will."he says pulling himself up.

"Draco? How was it when you ran from your parents at the war?"

"Frustrating,honestly. I didn't wanna run away. But I don't wanna side with them either. I wanted to side with Hogwarts at first. But I couldn't run away."he says with tears in his eyes. One tear escaped his sliver-blue orbs.

"I'm so sorry,Draco."she says wiping the tear. Then she hugged him real tight. Which actually caused him to get pushed back to the headboard. But he hugged her tight. For the first time in that week,they hugged each other real tight. Draco just let his tears fall down. He wanted to kiss her. But he knew the time was not right yet.

"Stop crying,Drac. It makes me wanna cry too."

"Then just cry?.."

"Way to ruin the moment. Thanks a lot." They didn't even break apart yet. The opening of the door from the other room caused them to jump up and part. Draco stood up and offered his arms to her. Which she gladly took.

He turned on a muggle music called Way Back Into Love which he remembered listening to few nights ago. He put his arms on her waist and hers were on his shoulders. They just swayed to the music. The door silently opened and the two lovers from the other room were peeking.

But this didn't stop them from dancing around. At 7:00,they finslly stopped. But Hermione lays her head still on his chest.

"Missed me,didn't you?"

"Would you stop ruining the moment?"

"I'll try."he smirks. They broke apart and went to the bathroom.

After showering,they walked with the two.

"I never knew you were a good slow dancer,Dwakie."says Blaise attempting a girl-like voice but clearly fails.

"Shut it. At least I danced with Pansy at the Yule Ball. Unlike someone who was left with Theo."

"Don't ever get me stuck with that drunk cluck again,please." All the four started laughing. Then the other Gryffindors joined them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey. Sup Chris."

"Sup. Can you believe it? The first to get the age of 21 is in two days!"

"When's yours,Dwakie?"asks Theo giggling at the nickname.

"Well Theodora,it is on October 20th."

"Let me guess. Blaise's was Blair."asks Ginny.

"I am so lucky I have an intelligent girlfriend."

"Yeah right,Blair."

"Enough with the nicknames,squirrel. And stop grinning ferret."

"Someone's mad."says Theo,earning a punch in his arm from Blaise.

"Let's just get in the hall." They all walked to their places. Hermione was holding Draco's shaking hands.

"Why are you shaking so much?"she asks the petrified-looking blonde taking him into a corner far from the group.

"It's just,I don't know what will my father say."

"Don't you think that worries all? Me?"

"I know it does. But-"he gets silenced with Hermione placing two of her fingers to his soft lips,silencing him.

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