Chapter 37:"What do you mean?"

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(Listen to Smile for the whole chapter)

Hermione woke up still remembering what happened the day before. But they have classes today so,she had to get up really early and get ready fast. She went into her shower and got out completely dressed after 25 minutes.

She took her book bag and went to the hall ready to face the same people who saw her run out the day before. She smiled widely and walked towards her friends with huge confidence present in her.

"Now,there's the girl we've been waiting for to see."Fred says noticing her. They smiled at each other. Hermione sat down beside him and Ginny.

"So,what do we do today?"

"I don't know. Do we have free time in the afternoon?"

"Maybe. Why?"

"We could play Quidditch or broom racing."

"Sounds like a plan. We'll do that then."

"Students are to go to their respected classrooms immediately and all the staff must go to the lounge."said McGonagall's voice through the speakers. All the students started to move out.

"Why do you think she wants the staff to be in the lounge?"

"Voldemort has been defeated,the chamber will never open again,the death eaters are in Azkaban. What could've happened?" Hermione started getting a head ache and starts to fall down. Fred caught her before falling on the bench.

"Are you alright,Rea?"

"Yah. You guys go to the classrooms. I'm going to McGonagall. "

"Wait,what? Rea-"he starts but Hermione presses her lips to his.

"Go. I'll be fine." They all went off while she ran to the lounge.

"Ms. Granger."says McGonagall seeing her.

"Professor. Where are Bill,Fleur and Charlie? "

"They don't know about you yet, Mia."

"Have you felt anything,Ms. Granger? "

"As a matter of fact, I did. Like a pain in my chest."

"But what will that mean?"

Hermione gasped from where she was standing in. Percy ran over to her and held her shoulders.

"Mia,what is it?"

"She's starting a plan. To bring back Voldemort. "

"But how will she be able to do that?"

"The resurrection stone. Harry's cloak. The elder wand. We need to have those three. Before she finds them."

"I'll tell Harry about the cloak and ask him about the wand."

"Accio Resurrection Stone!"Hermione says holding her hand out. The stone came zooming to her palm.

"We already have one of the Hallows."

"All of them now. I got the cloak and the wand. Although I had to fix it because Harry apparently broke it apart."

"Now what do we do?"

"Keep them safe. Make sure nothing happens to them and no one finds them."

"And what will you be doing?"

"I can read what's in her mind. So I'll tell you about the stuff they are planning."

"Is it okay if you come here every night, Minister?"

"Of course. I will be going now."

"Thank you Minister. And you too,Ms. Granger. "

"Your welcome professor. I should be getting to class."

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