Chapter 22:Broken

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Hermione and George walked through the halls while going to the Great Hall . The actual death of Lucius Malfoy is gonna be in the 13th. She had to go with him. But obviously,he's taking Alixia with him. She walked to the Great Hall and went to sit beside Luna.

"Something wrong,Hermione?"asks the blonde.

"Yeah. You haven't been talking these days."

"Nothing. It's just,I don't wanna leave him."

"What?!"all of them said. It echoed around the room. Good thing the teachers were in the lounge.

"Keep quiet will you?"Hermione whispers angrily.

"Hermione,you can't leave again! You can't leave all of us broken about you!"Ginny whispers back in the same way.

"Ginny, it's my choice. Now. If y'all excuse me. I have to go."she says standing up not even taking anything with her other than her bag.

"She can't leave. We're not gonna let her. Right?"

"We won't. I can't afford to lose my own sister again."

"Who can?" Draco walked over to them.

"What was that about? "


"You're lying. I can tell it from your look."

"I'm not lying."

Hermione walked through the Hall fighting back tears. Ginny was right. She didn't wanna leave them broken. But she has to.

She went to the Astronomy tower and just stood there looking at the sky.

"Who knew you come here when you're upset?"asks a voice from behind her. It was Alixia.

"Hey Xia."

"Hey Mia. What was that about? In the hall?"

"I don't wanna leave. But I have to."

"What do you mean?"

"I was accepted on the ministry. As Head of Office for the Minister himself."

"That's great! But what about your studies."

"I know I came back here for my N.E.W.T.'s. But I need this job."

"I understand. I won't tell,I promise. And what about Draco? George? Your own brother?"

"I don't wanna leave them. Will you take care of them?"

"Hermione? What do you mean?"

"After the winter break,I'm not coming back. "

"As your best friend. I will take care of them."

"Thanks." They just stood there and talked. It was time for first period. Potions. After all the students enetered,there was one spot missing beside Hermione. Then a familiar blonde-headed frick enetered.

"Mr. McLaggen. Welcome to the class."

"Thank you professor. Where should I sit?"

"There. With Miss Granger."

Sh*t! Niw what? I'm frickin stuck with the guy who has been trying to get my heart since 6th year! Screw my life!

"Alright then. Today,we are making the 'Draught of Living Death'."

"But professor? Haven't we made that in 6th year?"

"We are repeating it,Mr. McLaggen. Now. Miss Granger. Would you please tell us the ingridient which is used more than once." Hermione stood and cleared her throat before speaking.

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