Chapter 48:A gloomy day in Hogwarts

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm which had the song Classic by MKTO on it. I changed into different clothes again. I'm only messing with you. I'm wearing my uniform.

I went back out to the Great Hall,using the shortcut. Not the long cut. I walked to the teacher's table,beside Professor McGonagall. She called over everyone's attention,and began speaking.

"Good morning to all of you. We will be changing the Prefect schedules soon after this breakfast. But for now,we have to focus on what I am about to say. Due to the recent events of the bravery of a certain Gryffindor, I have made changes.

"Miss Alena Minea Imogen Zabini,currently known Miss Hermione Jean Granger,has been made Gryffindor head of house,and Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher." Applauding was heard especially from the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables. "Miss Zabini,please continue the announcement. "I stood up and smiled.

"With pleasure,Headmistress. As Headmistress was saying, I will now be Gryffindor Head of House and Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. I will be re assigning the new Prefects and Heads. And there will now be deputies as well. I hope I won't have to dock points from my house and others as well. The dances will be held 2 times each month. I will be assigning the girls who will be planning them out.

"The N.E.W.T.s will be held in June. And we will have a graduation dance for your last night here at Hogwarts. I expect everyone to behave during that night. Thank you." Applauding was heard and I sat back down. I told all the 5th,6th,7th and in our case,8th students to stay.

"The Hufflepuff Prefects are now Laura Madley and Michael MacDonald." Cheers erupted around the room.

"The Ravenclaw Prefects are now Cadence Mist and Davis Roberts." More cheers.

"The Slytherin Prefects are now Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott. "Even more cheers.

"And finally,the Gryffindor Prefects are now Dennis Creevey and Natalie McDonald."Even more cheers.

"The deputies will be  Sally-Anne Perks of Hufflepuff and Seamus Finnigan of Gryffindor."

"The Head Boy and Head Girl will be Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin and Ronald Weasley of Gryffindor."everyone clapped Ron on his back. He told me himself that he saw himself as Head Boy in the Mirror of the Erised. So,I made his wish come true.

"The girls assigning the dance will be each two from each house. Starting with Miss Ginevra Malfoy as the president and Miss Luna Lovegood as the assistant,Natalie McDonald and Hariana Moon of Gryffindor, Astoria Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson of Sltherin,Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff, and Padma Patil and Cadence Mist of Ravenclaw. You can add one more girl from your house and not more than that.

"The Prefect duties will be daily even in weekends. The girl Prefects will each be in Monday,Wednesday and Friday,and the boys will be in Sunday,Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Each prefect will pe paired with each other for fairness. The timings are 6 in the evening and 9 to midnight. The deputies will be doing their duties every night of everydy,so will the Heads. Any questions?"

"Yes,professor. "Says Anthony Goldstein. I wasn't really used to be called that yet.

"Yes,Mr Goldstein? "

"Will our seating arrangements change?"

"Now that you mention it, yes. Every Gryffindor and Slytherin of the class will be sitting with each other,and the same goes to each Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Any other? Good. Thank you all. Today,we will have a free day. Stop screaming of joy,because you will be helping teachers teach. For experience. Thank you." I went back inside my room and changed out of my uniform.

I walked back out and went to my first ever class. With the fifth years I assigned as Prefects with the obvious exception of Seamus.

"Good morning class. Welcome to your first class of 2nd term. Our first topic are about Animaguses and their differences with Werewolves. Can anyone say the three main difference between them? Yes,Mister Creevey?"

"Animaguses have their own choices and can change anytime they want to,while Werewolves cannot. Animaguses can change anytime they want,but werewolves have to change every full moon of every year. But both have to be registered in the ministry.

"Correct. 10 points to Gryffindor. Can someone now tell me what are the good deeds and dangers of each? Miss Greengrass? "

"The unregistered Animaguses will be sent over to the Ministry and the same goes for the Werewolves. And the Werewolves could be dangerous if they are not registered and given Wolfsbane potions to keep them calm while transforming."

"Correct. 10 points to Slytherin. "I explained more about the topic then gave them a simple homework. After dispersing them I went back out and walked to my next class. But on the way there,I passed my group. I gave them a small smile and continued walking. It stings to me,doing this. I don't wanna ignore them.

But I had to to keep them safe.

"Miss Zabini? Are you alright?"asks Dennis. I smiled at his concern.

"Yes. You remind me a lot of your brother,you know."

"I miss him."

"I miss him too. Shouldn't you get in your next class?"

"Right. See you for next class,Miss Zabini."

"You too Mister Creevey. "I continued walking to my next class. I got to around 3 classes for the day. At dinner,I was talking with most the Professors. Except the Weasleys.

"Are you gonna continue teaching here then,Miss Zabini."

"I'm not completely sure yet. I might work in the Ministry."

"Good choice. "

"Thank you."

After eating I took out a piece of parchment and my quill and wrote.

After eating I took out a piece of parchment and my quill and wrote

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I excused myself,went to the owlery and sent the letter. I came back and sat down talking with them again.

From the bottom of my heart,I knew it was the only way to keep them safe.


Hey everyPHAN. Geddit? Geddit? Okay. I'll stop now. Sorry about the long update and short chapter. I was super busy. What do you guys think of the song choices? And sorry about this crazy mix off of the story. It'll get better. I promise.

Today's question is,what did you think about the season finale of the Flash? See ya!


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