Chapter 34:A normal day in school

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"I can't believe Winter is nearing."

"No one can believe that. And what Theo has been waiting for is also coming."

"Snow,isn't it? Why do you love snow?"

"Atleast that you can mess with unlike a person with a cold mood." All of them laughed.

"Good one Theo."

"Well everyone mostly waits for the snow. And Christmas songs from the school speakers."

"And the ones from our beloved school bands. Congrats to the both of you."Bill says looking at Draco and Hermione. "Top two of the bands."

"Which one is the number 1?"

"Springbreakerz. "

"Damn it."

"Well,I beleive Hermione lead the group to greatness."

"She did. We won 2 to 3 times. "

"Well,atleast we are number 2." A diferrent song came.

"That your song?"Hermione asks the boys.

"Me,Fred,Blaise and Theo."

"Wow. Well,good voice. But ours will still be better."

"Well,what's the song?"

"You'll see." They all walked off to class. And in lunch,the girls were in the Room of Requirement.

"We need to beat them."

"Yeah. That song has been playing over and over again for the whole day."

"I think I got it."says Daphne. She huddled with the girls and whispered. They all grinned agreeing.


"Where were you?"Fred asks when Hermione came in with the girls and sat down beside him.

"Library." She looked at  the girls grinning,who grinned back at her. They all nodded and there was a sound from the speakers.

The whole classroom clapped and cheered.

"Who were the girls who did that?"asks Professor Slughorn. Hermione,Ginny,Daphne and Luna stood up. The four boys' mouths hung open.

"Good job. Points to all four of you."

"Thank you professor. "All of them sat down,grinning from ear to ear.

End of Potions

The four girls walked out and high-fived each other.

"I knew it! Everyone would be talking about it!"

"Killed the high notes,didn't we ladies?"

"Definately. We should do this more."

"Absolutely." The four walked over to the four adults.

"We 'eard it! Good job on zat one,girls! "

"Definately cheering up."


"And guess what. The boys will be down to second place with 990 points to 1000."

"There are points?"

"Yes. Whoever wins the most points,gets to perform in the graduation."

"Ladies? We know what to do."

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