Chapter 31:Ignorance

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Tuesday. 4 more days before they had to go to the ministry with Draco. But Hermione swept that out of her brain for a moment. She and Fred were now dating. But there was still no luck with Ron and Pansy. The two never looked at each other. And if they see each other in the halls,one would go to a different direction.

"Something going on your mind?"asks Fred. Hermione was startled with these thoughts in her head while walking.

"I'm just...I feel sorry for Ron and Pansy."

"I know. He was forced to break up with her to make her parents understand the pain she will be in without him."

"I just wish nothing happens like that again to anyone of us."

"Same here. Any hopes for the two brothers and Penny? "

"No idea honestly. It was to those two my hair got purple and almost killed me."

"Percy was worried sick honestly. There was an owl that came flying in the window. McGonagall's. And it said that she saw you in pain and you seemed like you were going to pass out. Did you by any chance see a cat in your room?"

"There was. That must've been her."

"Well,atleast she saw you and immediately alerted us. Percy stopped yelling and immediately apparated away from the house. We all shrugged and apparated away after him."

"Why did she have to do that? Now what will Percy do in the Christmas vacation?"

"Who knows? Maybe knocks his brother down every hour or second he can while there?"

"Shut up." Hermione says slapping his arm. He turns to her and lightly kisses her. And then they enter the hall. Which was full of faces of anxiety and worry.

"Guys,what the hell?" Hermione asks sitting down.

"The word about yesterday spreaded fast. No idea how,who or why." Hermione's hair started growing red again. The whole Gryffindor table noticed this and started to calm her down. Which didn't help. Percy came over and calmed her down,which successfully worked.

"Jeez,Perce. Thanks for calming her down."

"Why only he and Fred can calm her down and not us?"Blaise says dramatically earning a lot of marshmallows thrown at him.

"That. Is beacause,we are always calm around her. Technically only Fred was yesterday-"

"I freaked out yesterday too. But she freaked out more."

"Exactly. And she calmed us down even though inside her,she was bursting with anger."

"I guess I actually can control my emotions."

"Except when the situation is serious."says Pansy arriving with curled hair and sweater.

"Why the sudden change with that? We have classes."

"I'm going to have a talk with my parents. Whether they will let me get back with my boyfriend, or I leave the school and go somewhere away. See you all later."

"Arya. It's Daphne's 16th birthday next week. We need to g-"

"I already have a dress. I told you I am prepared."

"I guess we can change the theme of Autumn on it?" Hannah asks looking at Daphne.

"It's perfect."

"I can't wait for the one on winter. "Says Ginny with a huge grin on her face.

"Better not spill it,Gin. You don't wanna spoil the so called surprise."

"Yeah. Don't want to do that. Although I need you two to try some of the dresses I bought."

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